The Solari Report | Is the human biology being influenced by quantum fields and light?
Quantum Anomalies: Does Cause Always Precede Effect?
21WIRE | More research showing how we may be on the cusp of a whole new scientific paradigm.
It’s All About Vibrations: A Resonance Theory of Consciousness
21WIRE + The Conversation | Does consciousness really all come down to the way things vibrate?
Music Meets Science: ‘The Jazz of Physics’
Stephon Alexander | The unlikely connection between John Coltrane and Albert Einstein.
MICIUS: China Launches World’s 1st Quantum Encrypted Communications Satellite
21WIRE + RT | While the West spends its billions arming jihadi terrorists in the Middle East, China spends its money on advanced R & D for the 21st century.
Decoding Our Universe: ‘The Great Math Mystery’
Nova | Math is the key to decoding the fundamental characteristic of the Universe.
Potentially Habitable SUPER-EARTH ‘Gliese 581d’ Discovered
21WIRE + RT | The incredible discoveries just keep on coming.
No Big Bang? New Equation Suggests Eternal Universe
21WIRE + PhysOrg | This new equation seeks to explain something that the Big Bang Theory is unable to.
Quantum Life: Who are we, where do we come from, and why are we here?
Mike Adams | Stephen Hawking has got it wrong in his quest to master the “theory of everything”.
‘Future Tense’ – The Rising Expectation of Global Change in 2012
21WIRE | Learn to CHOOSE YOUR PERSPECTIVE – a very scary thing for the elite, as they continue to rely on choosing our perspective for us