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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Declares ‘Invasion on the Southern Border’

21WIRE | Texas governor goes all the way in an effort to regain control over the Texas-Mexico border.

Human Trafficker Admits: ‘There’s No Way Back from Cartel’s Grip on US Border’

Sara Carter | ‘They already have so much power – it’s too late to stop them.’

Patrick Henningsen and Don DeBar Discuss Trump’s ‘Immigration Ban’ and the Media Reaction

Andrew Korybko | It’s going to be hard for the Trump Administration to shake the social media stigma that this is a “Muslim Ban.”

REVEALED: The Dark Agenda Behind Globalization and Open Borders

Brandon Smith | The people behind globalism are tied together by an ideology which mimics a cult-like religion.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue