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Sony, US theaters do U-turn to cash-in on North Korea publicity stunt for ‘The Interview’

21WIRE + WP | Sony confirmed that it will be releasing the film in “limited release” in the United States on Christmas Day.

Humanitarian Intervention: Obama’s Cuban Spy Sperm Courier Service

21WIRE | Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.

Citizenship Revoked, Beaten and Threatened With Sexual Abuse – For Refusing to Spy

21WIRE | MI5 who told him that his ‘suspect status’ would be cleared if agreed to be a snitch.

Episode #64 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Military Media Complex’ with guests Tim Fox

SUNDAY WIRE | This Week: taking on Hollywood, our Dear Leader, and his social engineers.

‘#ICantBreathe’ Revenge Shooter Kills 2 NYPD Officers, Then Shoots Himself

21WIRE | Two NYPD Anti-Terror Officers gunned down by Eric Garner supporter today.

Sean Stone with Patrick Henningsen: Obama, North Korea & Sydney Siege Decoded

Buzzsaw | Australia’s mad ‘Sheikh’ and Kim Jung Un’s fury over Obama’s ‘False Flag Hack’ on Sony.

‘The Interview’, A Sony False Flag Hack and Hollywood’s Empire of Mediocrity

Patrick Henningsen | At last, a cool international cause that Hollywood can finally rally around!

The Sony Pictures Hack, Explained

The Switch | Here’s what they said happened…

Dear CIA: We’ve Known for 1,700 Years that Torture Nets False Confessions

Washington’s Blog | Even the Romans knew that information obtained through torture was not to be trusted.

The Bankster International: Procession Toward a World State

Mark Hackard | Scoring a fortune off human misery and plundering economic assets – it’s all in a day’s work for the globetrotting elite.

Sydney Siege: Was Aussie ‘Terror Sheikh’ a Patsy, Informant or Just Mad?

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | Aussie ‘terror mascot’ posed no threat to Australia or its national security or democracy, but he’s being used to enact new policies.

Sci-Fi Reality: New Skype tool translates multilingual calls in real-time

21WIRE + The Switch | This is perhaps one of the biggest breakthroughs in terms of communication yet.

Neocon Media Rant: How ‘Awesome’ is America?

Robert Parry | Fox News is the poster child of an infantile, anti-intellectualism which is sweeping America.

FOX Upset, Demanding Australians Call Sydney Siege a “Terrorist Attack”

21WIRE | The standard fear propaganda scripted lines are being delivered by the usual suspects.

Hazardous Trend: The ‘Commodification’ of Sleep

21WIRE + WP | There are serious risks associated with our 24/7, wireless, ‘smart’ culture.

Agent Provocateurs at Berkeley Protests? They’ve Done it Before.

21WIRE | Revealing some of the most sophisticated incitement techniques used by undercover police during protests.

21st Century Man and ‘The Android Existence’

Daniel Spaulding | There are far too many eager for the sort of slavery that technology and its shapers offer mankind.

Episode #63: SUNDAY WIRE – ‘Foot Whipping in the USA’ with host Patrick Henningsen

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

China: ‘We want a shot at ISIS too’

21WIRE + RT | The Chinese want to lend a hand pounding ISIS, but what does Beijing want in return?

The ‘Selfie’ Obsession: A Chronic, Narcissistic Mental Disorder

21WIRE | No one is immune – even celebrities are suffering from this new clinical disorder.

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