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China: ‘We want a shot at ISIS too’

21WIRE + RT | The Chinese want to lend a hand pounding ISIS, but what does Beijing want in return?

The ‘Selfie’ Obsession: A Chronic, Narcissistic Mental Disorder

21WIRE | No one is immune – even celebrities are suffering from this new clinical disorder.

‘BOUGHT’: Your Health, Brought To You By Wall Street (Film)

Vaccidemic + iThink Smart | Peel back the layers and see what’s really driving our industrialized food, vaccine expansion, and dependence on Big Pharma .

The Cost of America’s Police State Gravy Train

21WIRE + AntiMedia | With each move central government makes – a large amount of money is also made by someone.

While You Slept: Congress Gives NSA Even More Spying Power

21WIRE + Rare | Everyone should be upset by this latest sneak-move from US lawmakers…

Original Sin: Cal State President Believes All White People Are Born Racist

Kurt Nimmo | One of the better critiques on Political Correctness and Cultural Marxism we’ve seen lately…

CIA: “Verschärfte Vernehmung!” (That’s Nazi for ‘enhanced interrogation’)

21WIRE + The Atlantic | It’s time to put Washington’s torture apologists in their correct position.

Big Pharma Gets ‘Legal Immunity’ From Future Lawsuits Over New Ebola Vaccine

21WIRE + Reuters | You will not be immune from Ebola, but Big Pharma will be immune from you.

It’s Official: Israel Partners with Obama’s War on Syria

Stephen Lendman | Israel is working with the US, Saudis and ISIS, to destroy the nation of Syria.

Palestine’s ‘#ICantBreathe’ Police Murder Could Spark Third Intifada

21WIRE + Egyptian Street | Both American and European liberal youth are free to join in at this point…

EPIC FAIL: EU Now Demanding Russian ‘Bail Out’ for Both Ukraine and Brussels

21WIRE + Global Research | EU threatening Russia with more sanctions if Russia ‘lets Ukraine go bankrupt’.

TORTURE REPORT: What the CIA and Washington Are Really Hiding

IN THE NOW | 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen lists the real stories behind the ‘Torture’ controversy.

HARDLY ZEN: Top 5 Obama War Crimes Since His Nobel Peace Prize

21WIRE + RT | Obama has taken anything but a Zen approach to foreign policy.

How to keep those old Facebook posts hidden (well, sort of).

The Switch | The Internet, being what it is, means that the temptation is overwhelming to search out your embarrassing posts.

Some Americans Just Love Secret Torture

Truthstream Media | Bush Mythology: ‘America just has to commit heinous and disgusting war crimes to protect Americans.’

EXCLUSIVE: CIA Spent $40 million, Hacked Senate Computers to Suppress Torture Report

Patrick Henningsen | Senator: “The CIA pulled out all the stops to prevent this from coming out.”

SICK BAG PLEASE: “Stand with Hillary” Country Song Review

Truthstream Media | Out of sheer compassion for our readers we’re not posting the full video here.

WAIT FOR IT: The Mother of all Bank Runs!

21WIRE + Global Research | What would you really do when there is a run on the banks?

AIDING ISIS: Israel Bombs Syria For Fifth Time in 18 Months, Gives Arms, Medical Aid to Militants

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | Contrary to popular belief, Israel is very much involved in destabilizing of Syria.

NASA’s Orion completes historic flight, but why can’t man return to the Moon?

The Switch | Nearly 50 years later and no one has even mentioned returning to the Moon. Why?

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