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Agent Provocateurs at Berkeley Protests? They’ve Done it Before.

21st Century Wire says…

Reports out of Oakland, California suggest that CHP officers there could have engaged in agent provocateur instigator activity earlier this week. The accusations are based on some reports online, which we’ve detailed (see below).

We’ve seen this before at other events, most notably in London during the 2011 student protests, and at other high-profile protest events.

The following videos reveal some of sophisticated techniques and assets deployed by London Metropolitan Police’s plain-clothed officers. Watch and be amazed…


During the #ICantBreathe/#HandsUpDontShoot protests in Berkeley and Oakland this week, one undercover officer could be seen pulling his firearm out and pointing it at protesters during a heated exchange. These events were caught on camera and relayed via social media:

NBC news first confirmed:

“An undercover police officer, who had been marching with demonstrators, aims his gun at protesters after some in the crowd attacked him and his partner in Oakland, California on Wednesday. The man was identified as an officer with the California Highway Patrol, according to the Oakland Police Department.”

But was he an agent provocateur, inciting looting and rioting?

BuzzFeed then added, “Plainclothes Officers were attacked before pointing guns At Oakland protesters, officials say. The California Highway Patrol [CHP] said it has used plainclothes officers in the Bay Area since protests against police violence that began Nov. 24. Some protesters are accusing the officers of attempting to instigate looting.”

However, other reports recount a different story, one where residents are claiming that the undercover CHP officer played the role of agent provocateur. Privacy SOS reports:

“Protesters at the scene reported on Twitter that the cop pulled his gun after he was ‘outed’ as an undercover. One person tweeted that the undercovers were “instigators of looting,” while another said they were “banging on windows.” After they were unmasked, one of the cops drew his baton and then pulled a gun on the crowd. After the first officer drew his weapon, someone allegedly punched the other cop in the face, knocking him down. Read the tweets below.”

UPDATENew reporting sheds light on what happened that night, and how the CHP is monitoring activists: aerial surveillance, undercover police, and fake Twitter profiles.

READ MORE FERGUSON NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Ferguson Files



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