21st Century Wire says…
The name of the #ICantBreathe revenge shooter has been released by the NYPD this afternoon.
Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, shot and killed two NYPD officers, shooting point-blank execution style in Brooklyn’s Bed Stuy district, before running into a nearby Marcy Avenue subway station and committing suicide in Brooklyn’s Bed Stuy neighborhood at 2:45pm EST on December 20th.
The African-American gunman used the hashtag #ShootThePolice, along with two other hashtags believed to be #EricGarner and #HandsUpDontShoot (in support of Michael Brown). He posted the following comments on social media prior to the double murder-suicide:
“They Take 1 Of Ours…Let’s Take 2 of Theirs,” the post continued, signing off with, “This May Be My Final Post.”
The two officers were working overtime on an anti-terrorism assignment and scheduled drill in Bedford-Stuyvesant by Brinsley, who is said to have residences in both Georgia and Brooklyn.
Witnesses report that Brinsley quietly shot the two officers, Wenjin Liu and Raphael Ramos, through their car’s front passenger-side window.
According to NYC one investigator, Brinsley tried to escape, but when he realized he was about to get caught by pursuing officers, he panicked and committed suicide in the subway, “They engaged the guy and he did himself.”
The Guardian LV and other reported about Brinsley’s anti-police rhetoric and gang affiliations:
“Brinsley had belonged to the gang called Black Guerilla Family, and he boasted about wanting to kill cops. The gang reportedly wanted to get retribution for the police killings of Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner, of New York City, who died after being placed in a chokehold by a police officer, by killing cops.”
According to the NY Post, the gunman had previous convictions and charges:
“Brinsley has a criminal record dating back to at least 2006, when he was arrested in Georgia for carrying a concealed weapon, a knife, as well as shoplifting, according to online records.
The next year he was nabbed in Dekalb County., Ga., for criminal trespass, and by 2009, he was indicted in Ohio for robbery — a charge that was later apparently dismissed.
In 2011, the shooter was arrested again in Georgia for reckless conduct, tampering with evidence, criminal property damage, and discharging his weapon. The outcome of the case is unknown.”
NYPD Police Commissioner William J. Bratton gave a speech at a press conference, alongside embattled New York City Mayor and former Hillary Clinton campaign manager, Bill De Blasio, as the commissioner asked for the city’s support of the police following the previous week’s political attack on the NYPD by DeBlasio and White House ‘advisor’ Al Sharpton.
During the press conference, at least 12 NYPD officers turned their backs when Mayor De Blasio spoke at the podium, signalling a withdrawl of support by the city’s police force – for its Mayor. De Blasio came under fire two weeks ago when he went on national TV and accused NYC and other police departments across America of being ‘racist’ institutions in the wake of no guilty verdict returned in the Eric Garner Grand Jury investigation.
EDITOR’S NOTE: 21WIRE predicts that Mayor Bill De Blasio will be forced to RESIGN eventually, after pressure is applied by the NYC Policeman’s Union and a vote of ‘No Confidence’.
Stay tuned for updates…
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