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FOX Upset, Demanding Australians Call Sydney Siege a “Terrorist Attack”

SEE ALSO: Sydney Siege: Was Aussie ‘Terror Sheikh’ an Informant or Just Mad? 

21st Century Wire

The Sydney Siege has come and gone, with what looks like another example of a known nut case who was let out on the streets by the Security Services, only to reek havoc on the community.

Australian SWAT police ended the 16-hour hostage standoff started by 50-year-old self-styled, Iranian-born Muslim ‘cleric’, Man Haron Monis, as police did a blitz-style assault on the Lindt chocolate store in Martin Place in Sydney.

Terror actor Monis played the role of shady ‘Sheikh’ in Australian media long before the incident yesterday.

Monis is said to have a disturbingly long criminal rap sheep which includes among other things, multiple counts of sexual assault, and an accessory to murder charge.

He was also a local media darling, well known to local press and on social media playing the role of Sheikh, including a role in a publicity stunt where Monis wrote inflammatory and insulting letters to Australian troops and families of troops who served in US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Critics are raising questions as to whether or not Sydney police intelligence unit were involved in ‘managing’ Monis as an informant, or if he was being supervised by a government psychologist and taking SSRI anti-psychotic medication. Even Prime Minister Tony Abbott admitted that Monis was “well known to authorities” and had a history of “extremism and mental instability”. More details are sure to emerge about the assailant’s true profile.

Incredibly, Monis was allowed to roam the streets on bail instead of being detained in a secure criminal or mental facility – where he clearly belonged.

1-aNDREA-OutnumberedMeanwhile, the lunatic right at FOX News was upset that the rest of the media wasn’t labeling it an ‘ISIS Attack’. During the channel’s plastic surgery showcase program, ‘Outnumbered’, today media debutante, Andrea Tantaros, appeared visibly upset that the Australian government was not calling the incident a “terrorist event”. Notice the standard fear propaganda scripted lines delivered by Tantaros:

“ISIS has been calling for these ‘lone wolf’ attacks on countries like Australia for a while.”

The mere fact that FOX has no actual proof other than hyperpbole, doesn’t stop Tantaros from demanding state-sanctioned fear mongering, flippantly demanding, “I don’t know why the Australian leadership won’t call this a terrorist attack”.

Listen to her clip hear:

Other US media outlets, including the Washington Post, carried on the fear mongering:

“The long showdown riveted the world’s attention and raised questions over the possibility of another so-called “lone wolf” attack inspired by militants such as the Islamic State.”

The outcome of the siege now focuses on whether hostages were killed by gunman Monis, or died in cross-fire.

If it is indeed ruled that hostages were shot by hair-trigger police, government officials will no doubt come under heavy criticism and even embarrassment over the botched operation. 

READ  MORE ISIS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire ISIS Files 



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