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University ‘Race Quota’ Admissions to Face Challenge in US Supreme Court

After years of going back and forth between the lower courts and Washington, the US Supreme Court has announced it will finally be reviewing the constitutional and legal merits of race-based affirmative action university admissions policies which discriminate against both White and Asian Americans in order to build more ‘diverse’ student bodies at America’s elite institutions.

Previously, the Trump administration had supported legal challenges in the lower courts against schools like Harvard, while the Biden administration has clearly sided with race-based discriminatory admissions policies.

A showdown is now looming in the Supreme Court, one which is sure to evoke strong partisan reactions on both sides of this issue.

Legal analysts from the Washington Post report…

The Supreme Court announced Monday it will once again consider whether universities may consider the race of applicants when attempting to build diverse student bodies, an ominous development for those who say there is a continuing need for affirmative action in higher education.

The court said it would examine the admissions policies at Harvard and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, most probably in the term that begins in October. Lower courts found both complied with Supreme Court precedents that said race may be used as one factor universities can consider in a wide-ranging evaluation of applicants.

But the slim Supreme Court majorities that decided Grutter v. Bollinger in 2003 and reaffirmed it in 2016 are gone, replaced by a much more conservative bloc. Challengers say the court should overturn those precedents and rule that considerations of race, which aid underrepresented Black and Hispanic students, violate federal law and the Constitution.

Edward Blum, president of Students for Fair Admissions, the group that spearheaded both challenges, said polls show Americans strongly disapprove of race-conscious admissions.

“In a multi-racial, multi-ethnic nation like ours, the college admissions bar cannot be raised for some races and ethnic groups but lowered for others,” Blum said in a statement. “Our nation cannot remedy past discrimination and racial preferences with new discrimination and different racial preferences.”

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