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Gulf Monarchies Sacrifice Neighbor Qatar as “Sponsor of Terrorism”

Stuart J. Hooper
21st Century Wire

This is one of the biggest regional geopolitical developments in recent history.

In what can only be described as a highly coordinated, international diplomatic attack, Qatar has been singled-out, scapegoated and exiled from the community of Gulf Monarchies.

The nation has quite literally gone from being surrounded by allies, to being surrounded by enemies, in the blink of an eye.

The greatest irony, of course, coming from the fact that those accusing Qatar of “sponsoring terrorism” are doing the exact same thing themselves; namely Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

The split began to appear two week’s ago in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which featured leaders and representatives of 55 Arab and Muslim nations – unofficially chaired by US President Donald Trump. Middle East journalist Sharmine Narwani reported the emergence of diverging interests and the very public spat between Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

This development and what it might mean for new “regime change” is discussed in the following report:

You can follow Stuart on YouTubeTwitter and Facebook.

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