Jay Dyer | Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East joins me to talk about his many essays, including evangelical nonsense, false teachers and scam artists, and their use by the government apparatus for foreign policy propaganda.
JaysAnalysis: Daniel Spaulding on Classical Nihilism & the Liberal Order
Jay Dyer – Tragedy & Hope 6: World War 2 & the Cold War Symphony
Jay Dyer | Hitler’s moves were coaxed by the western powers, leading to a new boogey man that would envelop the globe in a total reengineering of order.
10 Year Old Palestinian Girl Reporting on Anti-Israel Protests
21WIRE | This girl is taking the internet by storm.
Peace Prize President Obama Approved $200 Billion in Arms Deals Since 2009
21WIRE | The military industrial complex is the only winner to emerge from increased global conflict.
The World is Not Enough: JaysAnalysis w/Patrick Henningsen
Jay Dyer | Patrick Henningsen joins Jay Dyer for another graduate level course in geopolitics.
Iran 2.0? Russia to Loan Egypt $25 Billion to Build NUCLEAR Power Plant
21WIRE | This is almost guaranteed to be the next big geopolitical point of contention.
The Saudi Annihilation of Yemen: The War The West Ignored
21WIRE + CrossTalk | When an event does not fit the West’s narrative, it is entirely ignored.
Israel Preparing For War? IDF Calls Up Hundreds of Thousands For Drills
21WIRE + RT | Is something big on the Horizon?
CRISIS SOLUTION: How Greece Can Claim A ‘National Security’ Debt Write Off
Stuart J. Hooper | There is a little known precedent to write off debt for national security reasons. This is how Greece can do just that.
Source of Chaos: Tunisia Shooter Trained in LIBYA
Stuart J. Hooper | We need to solve problems by finding their source.
Kurdish Struggles: The Story of The Kurds and The Middle East
21WIRE + Marie Mulville | Middle Eastern chaos means opportunity has arisen for the Kurds.
Is This The Most BIZARRE Thing Israel’s Netanyahu Has Ever Said?
21WIRE + The Independent | How does he come up with this stuff?
‘Isolated’? The Irony Behind New Russia and Iran Defense Deal
Stuart J. Hooper + RT | The West may declare Russia as ‘isolated’, yet a number of landmark international deals say otherwise.
U-Turn on ISIS? Can West Must Work With Putin, Assad and Iran?
Stuart J. Hooper | As the spread of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) continues, calls are now coming for the West to work with those it has specifically gone out of its way to make enemies with.
Message to Israel: This Insanity Must End
Stuart J. Hooper | The Israeli and Jewish people are not the problem here, but an out of control Israeli government certainly is.
The Arc of ISIS: Western ‘Regime Change’ Rouses The Masses With New Brand Of Terror
Shawn Helton | Western proxy creatures are driving a hard nail into the sectarian conflict of Shia and Sunni, culminating in forces pushing for the exit of Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki.
The New Islamic Cult: US and Israeli Divide and Rule Agenda For Syria
21WIRE + RT | The US and Israel have created a honey pot in Syria – attracting a generation of Islamic fanatics and fighters around the globe.
What Will Be The Fallout From a War In Syria?
21st Century Wire | The proxy war in Syria is a shell game created by the West.
Rule, Britannia? UK ‘shadow military’ may return to Gulf over instability fears
RT | The UK army is planning to build up a strong “shadow presence” in the Gulf, marking a return to the seat of its old imperial power