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Cargo Boeing 747 crashes at Bagram Airfield

RT | A civilian cargo aircraft crashed at Bagram Air Field near the Afghan capital Kabul on Monday, killing all seven people aboard.

The Last Letter: A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran

Truthdig | “You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole.”

Russia’s new Middle East energy game

The Commentator | Moscow won’t jeopardize its new deeply strategic energy partnership with its Israeli-Greek Cypriot ‘Western’ partners. Where does that leave Iran?

Love Letter: ‘Happy Valentine, Oh Middle East!’

By Imad Atalla I love you, royal families, plutocrats and political elites of Arab societies. You are blessed with an endless supply of siblings, though many among you are missing a chromosome. The other good news is that you are growing in wealth, albeit at the expense of taxpayers – a minor detail! It is […]

An Inconvenient Truth? Al Gore Sells Out to Big Oil

The television network Current TV was recently purchased by the international news outlet Al Jazeera. The transaction will leave $125 million in former vice-president Al Gore’s pocket. Gore, who is a green living advocate, ironically sold the company to a news outlet owned by Qatar – an oil rich country.

Assad Still Confident That He Can Control Syria

Washington Post Liz Sly BEIRUT — Syrian President Bashar al-Assad remains confident that he can ride out the maelstrom engulfing his country, casting into doubt prospects that intensified efforts to negotiate an end to the bloodshed can succeed, according to Syrians familiar with the thinking of the regime. Although Assad isn’t winning the fight against the rebels, he isn’t […]

Henningsen on RT: ‘Syria is a gangster’s paradise right now’

21st Century Wire and UK Column’s analyst Patrick Henningsen discusses with RT about how NATO’s recent deployment of missile defense batteries in neighboring Turkey is nothing more than a chess move to prepare for western/NATO airstrikes at some point further down the timeline, and also how Syria’s so-called ‘opposition’ are using the chaos in the […]

Assad: War in Syria between ‘nation and terrorists’

Syria’s president has outlined a plan to end the country’s conflict, starting with a halt to international support to “al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups.” The solution proposes a new constitution and government, as well as national reconciliation.

NATO Deploys Missiles & Troops On Syrian Border

RT | NATO’s role seems to be expanding every day – far beyond its original charter.

Is Al-Jazeera Really ‘Fair And Balanced’ ?

Washington Post | The Qatari authorities sentenced a poet to life imprisonment in November, but you won’t hear about it on Al Jazeera.

Settlements Snarl: ‘Israel gambles on US protection from intl law’

Israel says it will go ahead with plans to build 1500 new settler homes in East Jerusalem – the part of the city that’s considered Palestinian land. The project was given an intermediate green light by Israeli officials on Monday. This comes less then a month after the UN granted Palestine non-member observer status. Palestinians […]

‘He’s Useless’: The Palestinian Verdict on ‘Peace Envoy’ Tony Blair

The Independent | Blair is not only hated in Britain, he’s also hated in the Middle East.

New nuclear talks with Iran may be possible in coming weeks, U.S. says

Washington Post Joby Warrick The United States and five other world powers are hastily preparing for possible new talks with Iran amid signs that the country’s leaders might be willing to meet as early as next week to discuss scaling back nuclear activities in return for future sanctions relief. The six powers have agreed on […]

Young Israelis Fight for Social Justice

VICE MAG IN PALESTINE… “In the lead up to the one-year anniversary of the biggest protest in Israel’s history, we get tear-gassed by the IDF in the West Bank, and then we have drinks with a spokesperson for the Israeli protest movement…”

Hamas Leader Khaled Meshal Says Group Will Never Recognize Israel

Washington Post Joel Greenburg JERUSALEM — In a fiery speech Saturday before a mammoth rally in Gaza City marking the 25th anniversary of the founding of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, the political leader of the militant Islamist group, pledged that it would never recognize Israel and called for an Islamic Palestinian state on the territory of […]

Pre-Empty: US Ramps Up WMD Rhetoric Against Syria

  The chemical scare around Syria is receiving a skeptical response not only from Assad’s government, but now the very people seeking to bring him down. A senior rebel official has dismissed Washington’s reports that Assad was arming chemical warheads, saying it was all part of a media game.

NATO Says Anti-Missile Defense For Turkey Does Not Open Door To Syria Intervention

The Washington Post Anne Gearan BRUSSELS — NATO agreed Tuesday to send new American-made air defenses to Turkey’s volatile southern border with Syria, a boost to an alliance member on the front lines of Syria’s civil war and a potential backstop for wider U.S. or NATO air operations if the situation deteriorates further. The alliance’s […]

Nuclear Israel: The secret that is not

The United Nations General Assembly is pressing Israel to reveal its nuclear arsenal. Israel has lashed out against the overwhelming approval of the resolution, which calls for international inspectors to be allowed to examine its atomic programme. Its foreign minister said the vote was meaningless. The country also rejected a UN-backed conference on a nuke-free […]

BREAKING: Russia ‘Printing Money for Syria’ Claims Latest Report

By Alex Spillius Russia is printing bank notes and sending them by the plane load to Syria to help the besieged regime pay its soldiers and civil servants, a new report suggests. Flight records obtained by the investigative website ProPublica showed that at least 120 and up to 240 tons of bank notes were delivered […]

What Killed Arafat?

A nine-month investigation by Al Jazeera discovered rare, radioactive polonium on the ex-Palestinian leader’s final belongings. The finding suggests that Arafat was poisoned with polonium, a rare, highly radioactive element. The polonium was found in blood, sweat, urine and saliva stains on his personal effects, and the levels recorded by forensic pathologists in Switzerland – […]

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