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Hollywood Files

Films, directors, spooks and psy-ops. Find out more about the real plots concealed behind the narratives, from our Hollywood archive of over 500 Hollywood-related articles and videos at 21WIRE...

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: The Real Meaning of Kubrick’s Shining

Jay Dyer | In this episode, I take on Kubrick’s horror classic, The Shining, with a different take than Jay Weidner or Rob Ager. This audio also features my glorious Jack and Tony impersonations.

Finger in Every Pie: How CIA Produces Our ‘News’ and Entertainment

21WIRE + Sputnik | CIA media productions are designed to reinforce a set of false believes about the world outside of the United States.

The moment Ben Affleck realized that ‘Batman V Superman’ was a $400 million flop

21WIRE + Huff Post | Only Hollywood can produce a half a billion dollar lemon.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Weird Stuff – Culture Creation & Mind Control

Jay Dyer | Weird Stuff is an occult conspiracy encyclopedia in an easy-to-read fully illustrated magazine format. Author Jamie Hanshaw decodes Hollywood and the culture industry with Jay Dyer.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Hitchcock’s Psycho Psyche & MK Ultra

Jay Dyer | Author Jamie Hanshaw joins me for an in-depth analysis of some of Hitchcock’s greatest films and their deeper meaning.

SCIENTISM PROPAGANDA: H.G. Wells’ Masonic Time Machine

Jay Dyer | Before there was Back to the Future, there was the early phase of science fiction propaganda embodied in Fabian H.G. Wells’ 1895 novella, The Time Machine.

FACE HACKING: 3-D Projection Mapping in Real Time

Randy Johnson | ‘Real Time’ 3-D face tracking and projection portends a frighteningly beautiful and technological future.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Eyes Wide Shut as Ritual Working

Jay Dyer | Delving into the ritual initiatory aspects of Stanley Kubrick’s cult classic.

AGAINST NATURE: H.G. Wells’ Island of Dr. Moreau and Ritual Bio-engineering

Jay Dyer | The notion of creating a chimaera is an ancient tale: For the ancient Greeks, it was a fire-breathing beast with the heads of a goat, lion and snake, appearing in Homer’s Iliad.

HOLLYWOOD WITCHCRAFT: The Dark Side Revealed in The Witch (2016)

Jay Dyer | The esoteric symbols and occult aspects of 5 films: The recent hit The Witch, horror classic Suspiria, Henson’s The Witches, The Devil Rides Out and Disney’s Hocus Pocus.


Jay Dyer | The film presents authentic aspects of both hermetic and perennial esoterica – amid a backdrop of wider spiritual battles waged.

France Reenacts Opening Scene of ‘Force Awakens’ as Storm Troopers Destroy Refugee Camp

Stuart J. Hooper | The Force Awakens was not supposed to be a video guide on how to run a tyrannical government.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Iron Clad Island’

SUNDAY SCREENING | The first in a new weekly feature of curated films for our readers.

The Android Affair: Humanity Outsourced

Randy Johnson | Robot advances are reaching science fiction proportions.

Reopen the Kurt Cobain Case? [POLL]

21WIRE Shout | We’re asking our readers, should law enforcement Reopen the Kurt Cobain Case? Vote, comment and share.

3.57 Degrees: Kevin Bacon’s Cultural Mantle Shattered By Zuckerberg

21WIRE | When they say ‘degrees of separation’ – they really mean separation.

Actor Harrison Ford Strikes Back at ‘Emperor’ Trump

21WIRE + NBC News | Actor Fords sheds light on Trump’s ability to interchange between fact and fiction.

SPECTRE: Revelation of Multinational, Global Surveillance Octopus and Criminal Cartel

Jay Dyer | 007’s rabbit hole leads to a global cartel known as SPECTRE, an octopus whose tentacles surround us all today.

Did ‘BACK TO THE FUTURE’ Really Predict 9/11?

21WIRE | Does imagery in the film actually predict the events of September 11th?

WAKING THE HIVE: Jaz Coleman of Killing Joke Talks Nirvana, Politics & ‘Pylon’

Shawn Helton | Killing Joke’s mythos reflects a brutal honesty rarely seen in music these days.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue