Jay Dyer | Watching the Hawks’ Sean Stone is joined by a variety of Hollywood insiders in exploring the entertainment industry’s institutional embrace of Washington, DC’s military-industrial complex.
The Secret Society That Ruined the World: Rhodes, Rothschild, Milner
Jay Dyer | “The great idealistic adventure which began with Arnold Toynbee and Lord Alfred Milner in 1875 had slowly ground its way to a finish of bitterness and ashes.” – Quigley
ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Crowley, Secret Agent 666 & Shambhala w/Dr. Richard Spence
Jay Dyer | Dr. Spence demonstrates how Crowley and Hess’ mystical journeys might have had a more pragmatic, covert operational design.
CLUE (1985) as Clue to the Cold War’s Managed Dialectic
Jay Dyer | While most board games of the 1980s did not make it onto the big screen, one curious specimen did – Clue.
ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Hitchcock’s Psycho Psyche & MK Ultra
Jay Dyer | Author Jamie Hanshaw joins me for an in-depth analysis of some of Hitchcock’s greatest films and their deeper meaning.
Washington in a panic as Snowden threatens to do a runner – but to where?
21st Century Wire | Snowden rumours are flying around, but what happens if he bolts to Russia?
US charges 11 Russians with conspiracy to export high-tech
A US court has charged 11 people with participating in an alleged Russian network illegally exporting high-tech microelectronics and supplying them to Russian military and intel agencies