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New U.S. Research Finds Evidence Linking Monsanto Weedkiller to Cancer

The New Lede | New study unloads another bombshell on this already damaged brand.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Burzynski: Cancer Cure Cover-Up’ (2016)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

New Jersey Mom on Mission to Expose Possible ‘Cancer Cluster’ at Kids’ School

21WIRE + WABC | Where government and Pharma repeatedly fail, the job is left to ordinary concerned citizens to protect their communities.

The Startling History of Polio Vaccination

Dr. Vernon Coleman | Granted, facts are unfashionable with the medical establishment these days, but the hard evidence shows that these particular jabs were never effective, much less ‘safe’.

The Monkey in the Room

Louize Small | Investigating the curious role of vaccines in the various ‘outbreaks’ of diseases.

GMO, Chemical Farming and The Loss of Human Health – Dr. Zach Bush

Dr. Zach Bush | The evidence is overwhelming. The question now is: what are we going to do about it?

Is There a Link Between Cancer and COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’?

 Dr. Nicole Delépine | Caution is required with all experimental treatments, and even more so when it’s a technology never used before in what is supposed to be a ‘fight’ against a viral pandemic.

NHS Debacle: 1 Million Breast Cancer Screenings Missed Due to COVID Panic Policies

21WIRE | Thanks to government panic policies, one million women are now caught in a potentially deadly NHS backlog.

NATO’s Military Enslavement and Toxic Contamination of Sardinia

Vanessa Beeley | Sardinia: cancer in paradise, courtesy of NATO.

BOILER ROOM – Cancer, Heroin, Cults and Lightbulbs, Oh MY! – EP #026

Alternate Current Radio | Uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio is here…

Jimmy Carter Diagnosed With Aggressive Cancer

21WIRE | His health has been the subject of some speculation in recent months.

Chemotherapy Treatment Causes Fingerprint Loss, Nixes Biometrics

21WIRE + RT | This Mexican woman discovers the horrors of our brave new biometric world.

Cuts to UK healthcare might spell DEATH for the vulnerable class

Stuart J. Hooper + BBC + The Telegraph | Britain is happy to provide bailouts to failing banks, but is letting its citizens die by cutting funding to life and death healthcare services.

Report: West Coast Children Hit With Thyroid Problems Following Fukushima

Intellihub | Still think that the Fukushima nuclear meltdown of 2011 never affected the US public?

Documentary Film: ‘The Beautiful Truth’ – Curing Cancer Naturally

We are being killed by a million cuts, slowly but surely. But there is hope… “The United States, and on a smaller scale Europe, is being propelled towards total disaster through the deliberate poisoning of our most essential basic need – our food. Within the last hundred years food manufacturers, through their clever and aggressive […]

Hugo Chavez Defeats Henrique Capriles in Venezuela Election

Juan Forero Washington Post CARACAS, Venezuela — Fighting for his political life, President Hugo Chavez overcame a vigorous challenge by Henrique Capriles in Sunday’s presidential election, receiving another six-year term that will give the populist firebrand the opportunity to complete the consolidation of what he calls 21st century socialism in one of the world’s great […]

‘Naked Body’ Scanners Scrapped at UK’s Manchester Airport After Cancer Scare

RT | Airports across the EU may abandon the use of X-ray scanners.

FDA Looking to Ban B6 Supplements, Give Boost to Big Pharma

Elizabeth RenterActivist PostSept 27, 2012 Vitamin B6, naturally present in a variety of foods, is necessary for proper nerve function, protein synthesis, regulating blood sugar, and producing antibodies and hemoglobin. In other words, it’s pretty important stuff. But, while many people get their B6 through supplements, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is looking to […]

Cured: A Cannabis Story

21st Century Wire November 2011 According to new research into naturally occurring remedies and medicine, there are alternatives to chemotherapy available to cancer sufferers, and they are also affordable…                                A cure for cancer: Believe it, or not.

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