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How deeply are government agencies involved in the recent litany of high-profile 'terror attacks' and 'mass shooting events'? Would it surprise you to know there's an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined? They are called the FBI. How often, and why? We research the many anomilies present in these highly publicized, and politicized. crisis events, as well as the government practice which breeds terrorist plots - exploiting various so-called 'extremists' with mental health problems, and using paid informants to steer events. Read more here...

‘Expert Witness’ Believes Sandy Hook Was Cover-Up

21WIRE + Washington’s Blog | New evidence and questions are beginning to emerge that could rip this event wide open.

School Safety Expert: ‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning’

21WIRE + AFP | If you have any doubts whether or not Sandy Hook was staged, then listen to this incredible interview.

Sandy Hook: Lottery Jackpots & Free Homes – Two Unusual Clues Unearthed in Newtown

21WIRE + DC Clothesline | We’ve stumbled across these two incredibly interesting threads in the Sandy Hook false flag investigation.

Episode #21 – SUNDAY WIRE: The Strange Death of Kelly Thomas and more

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | An esoteric look into the Sandy Hook production and exposing the shocking murder of Kelly Thomas in Fullerton, CA.

Sandy Hook: Did it Really Go As Planned?

Robert Singer | Sandy Hook wasn’t just about the event, it was about your reaction to it.

False Flag: New Details Emerge on Santa Clara County ‘Military-Style’ Power Grid Attack

Greg Fernandez Jr | Surprise, surprise: Representative Waxman hopes to “fix the gap in regulatory authority” and empower the FERC to deal with such threats and vulnerabilities.

Latest ‘Domestic Terror’ Sniper Attack in California is Likely a Government False Flag

21st Century Wire | This attack happened a few months ago, but was only publicly acknowledged by authorities this week.

Trauma Hound: Skinny Puppy seeks $666K from Pentagon for music used in Gitmo torture

21WIRE + RT | The band Skinny Puppy has sent an invoice to the Pentagon for the subsequent use of their music in Gitmo torture sessions without their consent.

BE AFRAID: ‘Toothpaste Bomb’ Threat Revealed at Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics

21WIRE | Be on the lookout. Be vigilant….

9/11 Truth Activist Gate-Crashes Super Bowl Press Conference

Truthstream Media | As media splashes go, this was a pretty huge one.

Putting Politicians and Bankers to ‘The Psychopath Test’

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Who are these people who create so much misery?

COVERT WAR: US Congress ‘Quietly’ Approves More Arms to ‘Rebels’ in Syria

21WIRE + RT | Congress privately voted to funnel arms, anti-tank rockets, as well as financial backing to rebels fighting in Syria.

LATEST: Photo that ‘proves’ Hitler lived to 95 with his Brazilian lover

21WIRE + Express | Report claims he lived to ripe old age of 95, under the alias “Adolph Leipzig”.

O.J. Simpson Revisited: Evidence of a Conspiracy Was Covered-up

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | How could they have got it so wrong? What other “facts” we think we know – are completely wrong?

The BCCI: The NWO’s Original Bank for Crooks and Criminals

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | One of the most under-reported stories of the 20th century was the BCCI scandal, the Bank of Crooks and Criminals.


Andrew McKillop | A dangerous game of international terror is being played around Russia’s Winter Olympics in Sochi.

‘Christmas Tree Bomber’ Could Mount a Constitutional Challenge to NSA Secret Spying

21WIRE + WP | 2010 fake terror plot may backfire badly on the federal agencies who manufactured it.

Fast & Furious UK-Style: Britain’s Gun-running to East Africa, Somali Pirates

Patrick Henningsen | Damning new report accuses UK govt of arming Somali pirates, dictators in East Africa.

CIA Social Control Through Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n Roll

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Understanding how “Your thoughts are not your own”.

EXCLUSIVE: The Chris Dorner Enigma – What Really Happened and Why

Robert Singer | The story is one of the most bizarre in US history. But looking back, there is absolutely no proof Dorner killed anyone.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue