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How deeply are government agencies involved in the recent litany of high-profile 'terror attacks' and 'mass shooting events'? Would it surprise you to know there's an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined? They are called the FBI. How often, and why? We research the many anomilies present in these highly publicized, and politicized. crisis events, as well as the government practice which breeds terrorist plots - exploiting various so-called 'extremists' with mental health problems, and using paid informants to steer events. Read more here...

Terror Factory: Inside The FBI’s Manufactured War On Terrorism

Brasscheck TV | A story of half-wits losers, corralled into going along with schemes invented and funded and run by the FBI.

The Five Dimensions of Sandy Hook

Sofia Smallstorm | A brilliant presentation about what did -and did not happen, at Sandy Hook one year ago…

Was Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev given orders via ‘Majestic’?

21Wire + RT | This is another bizarre revelation, in a year of strangely violent events.

Harvard Bomb Hoax reveals ‘Mass Casualty Drills’ conducted in Cambridge

21st Century Wire | So many “real-life” terror events have occurred during or after planned drills.

SANDY HOOK: One Year Later There are More Questions Than Answers

21st Century Wire | Digging for answers in the aftermath of tragedy has been condemned.

New Revelations in Kenya Mall Massacre: There were only 4 shooters – who escaped alive

21WIRE + NBC | Even the mainstream media can’t avoid the facts surrounding the Kenya Mall staged media event.

Gitmo’s Al-Qaeda-CIA ‘Double Agent’ Revolving Door

21WIRE + RT | This should be a wake-up call to anyone who thought they knew the whole story about Gitmo since its inception in 2001.

The Devil’s Motorcade: Will new footage of ‘second shooter’ reveal who killed JFK?

21WIRE + The Wrap | What will come of this new JFK shooting footage, as it is certain to be subject to the heavy hands of media giants before its sees the light of day?

RFK: CIA fingerprints all over his assassination

Brasscheck TV | “There’s no question in my mind that elements of the CIA were involved”.

In Plain Sight: The ‘non-investigation’ of the Robert Kennedy assassination

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Who really killed Robert Kennedy? Was it just another random, lone gunman?

JFK: Who Was There at the Party in Dallas the Night Before?

Brasscheck TV | Nixon and others involved claimed not to remember where he was that night.

Killing King: Another CIA-LBJ-Hoover Production?

Brasscheck TV | All you need to do is track the movements of James Earl Ray to know he was not “lone.”

One JFK Mystery: Has The Zapruder Film Been Altered?

21st Century Wire | All we are saying is, something’s just not quite right here…

Why the CIA cooperated in the killing of JFK

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Secret operations have come and gone, but one guy was around for all of these…

Twin Terror occurs in Beirut, while terror groups ‘allowed’ to reside inside U.S.

21WIRE + RT | Do you see how this ‘puzzle of terror’ fits together?

JFK: Where are all the eyewitnesses from Dallas?

Brasscheck TV | There were dozens of eyewitnesses to the Kennedy assassination, here’s what happened to one of them.

Shooting near Pittsburgh high school reveals ‘active shooter drills’ in region

21st Century Wire | Another shooting, another drill?

Episode #7 – SUNDAY WIRE: Dorner Revisited, Guy Fawkes in DC, JFK Redux and Twitter Censorship

SUNDAY WIRE | Top line-up of guests, plus our mosh pit of regular trouble makers and pundits – guaranteed to stimulate the mind.

Faces of Death: Syria terrorist opposition Tweet smiling photos of dead ‘martyrs’ for fundraising, recruitment

21WIRE + WP | Halloween came and went last Thursday, but Syria’s Islamic militant opposition fighters have been promoting their new ‘Faces of Death’ genre

LAX Shooting: A Made-for-TV Drama? Part 1

21st Century Wire | Most will agree that the acting for camera on this scene of the production was a little over-the-top.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue