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Weather Underground: 60’s Radical Leader Bill Ayers ‘Defends’ Violent Terror Exploits

21WIRE + DC Clothesline | Bill Ayers was responsible for helping to create a destructive tool that indoctrinated young liberals into pushing for a socialist agenda through violence.

Jerad and Amanda Miller: Were Vegas shooters informants ‘gone off the reservation’?

21WIRE + Lew Rockwell | Clark County Sheriff’s Department had a relationship with the Millers well before the tragic shooting, and met on no less than three separate occasions,

‘You’ll Die in a Car Accident’: FBI’s Threat to Man Who Did Not Want to Be An ‘Informant’

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | In the absence of any real terror threat’ in the US, federal agencies still have to justify their ever-expanding department budgets.

FBI Knew Boston Bombing Suspects Long Before ‘Main Event’

21WIRE + IB Times | The FBI have still managed to dodge any serious questions, or address the facts of the Boston case.

The FBI’s Secret Game of Social Engineering and Hollywood’s ‘Super Snitch’ Reagan

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | You really don’t know who is working for who in America’s Secret State.

‘Christmas Tree Bomber’ Could Mount a Constitutional Challenge to NSA Secret Spying

21WIRE + WP | 2010 fake terror plot may backfire badly on the federal agencies who manufactured it.

Terror Factory: Inside The FBI’s Manufactured War On Terrorism

Brasscheck TV | A story of half-wits losers, corralled into going along with schemes invented and funded and run by the FBI.

Was Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev given orders via ‘Majestic’?

21Wire + RT | This is another bizarre revelation, in a year of strangely violent events.

In Plain Sight: The ‘non-investigation’ of the Robert Kennedy assassination

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Who really killed Robert Kennedy? Was it just another random, lone gunman?

JFK Erased: Hoover, The Mob, LBJ and The Texas Connection

Brasscheck TV | The CIA got to survive intact, and they and their friends in the Pentagon got their war.

Is new online ‘Political Assassination Market’ a Cassius Beli to hurt Bitcoin?

21WIRE + RT | Is this genuine, or is it an establishment ploy to demonize, and shut down Bitcoin?

Encrypted email service Lavabit forced to shutdown amidst US surveillance creep

21WIRE + RT | Is it any wonder why public trust in government agencies is at an all-time low?

Manufacturing Terror: Another ‘Underwear Bomber’ – Working for CIA

21WIRE + Guardian | How many careers depend on this synthetic narrative to continue?

‘Hitler Fled to Argentina’: Full interview with Gerrard Williams on 21st Century Wire TV

21st Century Wire TV | Taking a much deeper look into one of the greatest untold stories of the 20th century…

Cointel agent Bill Ayers: Obama should be tried for ‘war crimes’

21st Century Wire | Are intelligence operatives getting the inside talking point to dump the failing U.S. president, in favor of a new dictator?

Whistleblower or Red Herring? Boston advance warning that finish line was ‘vulnerable to terror attack’

21st Century Wire | It’s not good enough to say ‘we warned you’ after the fact, we want specifics now…

Criminal Investigation Begins into Waco, TX Fertilizer Factory Explosion

21st Century Wire | The timing of this event is too uncanny, and now officials appear to be digging further into the story.

Was ‘terrorist’ Buford Rogers actually being groomed as FBI informant?

Patrick Henningsen | Buford ‘Bucky’ Rogers has all the makings of a perfect federal informant…

Proposed Wiretapping Legislation Bureau’s Top Priority

Washington Post | Proposal would fine tech companies for noncompliance with wiretap orders.

VIDEO: Boston Resident Blasts Reporter Over Marathon Bombing Coverage

Huffington Post | Verbal clash between Boston resident and Dan Bidondi of Infowars. (WARNING: Graphic language.)

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