Vanessa Beeley | The Al Qaeda affiliated White Helmets are manufacturing consent for war in Syria.
White Helmets Exploit Children to ‘Manufacture Consent’ for ‘Humanitarian’ War in Syria
SYRIA: Vanessa Beeley on The Corbett Report Discussing the White Helmet Propaganda Construct

The Corbett Report | Watch James Corbett’s detailed interview with 21WIRE associate editor Vanessa Beeley.
Eva Bartlett in North Korea – Going Behind the Media Iron Curtain

21WIRE + Taylor Report | Despite propaganda that portrays a monochromatic dystopia, North Korea is a vibrant country populated by real human beings.
Vanessa Redgrave Remembers Alan Kurdi But Does She Know The Bigger Picture

21WIRE + The Guardian | Vanessa Redgrave makes her directorial debut at Cannes with Alan Kurdi and the refugee crisis as central theme.
Boiler Room #89 – Island of Misfit Toys

Alternate Current Radio | The Boiler Room is celebrating the holidays and talking about the (not-so) hidden racism found in liberal mainstream media propaganda.
SYRIA: Eva Bartlett Faces Off with ‘Rebel’ Supporter on Sources and Propaganda

21WIRE + RT | Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett (the one who crushed MSM reporter on Syria) vs… Dilly Hussain, deputy editor of 5PillarsUK, on Syria news sources in RT debate.
The Inconvenient Truth: Assad’s Popularity Confounds NATO Propagandists

Barbara McKenzie | All NATO’s slings and arrows fall short and their propaganda is failing to reduce the popularity of Syria’s President Assad