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REPORT: Syrian Army’s ‘an Airport for an Airport’ Policy to Counteract Israeli Aggression

21WIRE + SouthFront | Syrian Armed Forces have adopted a new policy of response to further acts of aggression by Israel.

In East Sweida, ISIS Desperation is Palpable

21WIRE + AMN | ISIS terrorists have wreaked havoc and horror on this community and now it appears their time is up.

BREAKING: Syria Takes Control of Occupied Golan Heights Border

21WIRE + AMN | More eradication of ISIS, this time along the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Next stop, Idlib.

SYRIA: The White Helmet Exodus Managed by ‘Regime-Change’ Coalition

Vanessa Beeley | The White Helmet Exodus from Syria, managed by NATO member states.

SYRIA: The Terrorists and their Backers, Including U.K, U.S Media are “Loathsome, Uncultured and Malignant”

Marcus Papadopoulos + Syria Times | “Syrian soil will remain Syrian, not American or British”

‘Operation Earthquake’ – The Invasion, Occupation and Liberation of Aleppo, a Video History by ANNA News

21WIRE + ANNA News | An insider view of the SAA military campaign to liberate East Aleppo from Western sponsored extremist groups.

SYRIA: A Story of Courage and Humanity Against All Odds

21WIRE | The extraordinary journey of a Syrian soldier towards recovery of his sight.

SYRIA: Jaish Al Islam Renew Attacks on Damascus from Terrorist Occupied Douma.

Vanessa Beeley | The last days of Jaish Al Islam in Douma, Eastern Ghouta.

Photo and Video Diary from Eastern Ghouta, Syria – by Vanessa Beeley

Vanessa Beeley | The liberation of Eastern Ghouta.

Khaled Al Khateab: The Death of a Hero for his Family and People in Salamiyah

Vanessa Beeley | Khaled Al Khateab was more than a journalist, he was an inspiration for all who met him.

Road to Damascus: An Irishman’s Journey to Syria

Niall Farrell | The Prophet Mohammad, when asked why he had never visited Damascus, replied that you “only enter paradise once”.

Resistance Axis Victory in Syria is a Positive Development for World Peace

Niraj Srivastava | Syrian endgame signals birth of new global paradigm.

SYRIA: The Courage of the Syrian Arab Army and Allies against US Backed Terrorism

Bouthaina Shaaban | Thousands of martyrs have sacrificed their lives to reach this honourable stage in this battle.

SYRIA: The Strategic Importance of Deir Ezzor and SAA, SDF Relations

21WIRE + Syriana Analysis | What drives SDF-SAA rivalry in Syria?

REVEALED: US-Backed Kurdish Factions Colluding with ISIS on Syrian Battlefield

21WIRE + AMN | Clear evidence of US backed Kurdish forces collaborating with ISIS in Syria

President Assad and the Syrian Armed Forces have Shaken US Hegemony to the Core

Thierry Meyssan | In this iron era, the Assad strategy alone allows us to stand tall and free

Vanessa Beeley: Syrian Army Battle for Liberation of Jobar and Ein Tarma, Damascus from Nusra Front Occupation

Vanessa Beeley | The NATO state illegal war of intervention was lost the minute it began thanks to the SAA and allies

SYRIA: ISIS Massacre 52 Civilians, Many Children, in Aqarib, Salamiyeh, Hama

21WIRE + SANA | ISIS strikes in Aqarib in Hama countryside and massacres civilians

SYRIA: Approaching the Finishing Line, Geopolitical ‘Jockeying for Position’ Intensifies

Andrew Korybko | As Syria nears the finishing line of a six year NATO state terrorism campaign, the geopolitical maneuvering hots up

WHITE HELMETS: Hand in Hand with Al Qaeda and Extremist Child Beheaders in Aleppo

21WIRE | The White Helmets were fully under the control of Al Qaeda in Aleppo

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue