Mike Robinson | Internal government documents reveal direct psychological operations being waged against the UK population.
COVID Coercion UK: SAGE Documents Reveal Psychological Operations Against Public
On Boris, Brexit, the General, Trump Trade and a Mighty Royal Backlash
21WIRE | There may well be a constitutional crisis in the works, but not for the same reasons that many are screaming about today.
BREXIT and The Irish Border: ‘The Price of Peace’
Craig Murray | It is no accident that Northern Ireland is the rock on which Brexit has foundered.
Peter Hitchens on Britian’s Attitude Towards Russia and the Skripal Poisoning
Peter Hitchens | Discussing the problems with Skripal case with leading British columnist.
REVEALED: Jeremy Corbyn Has Lawful Claim to Prime Minister’s Seat
Mike Robinson | Theresa May lied to the Queen about her ability to form a government, denying Corbyn’s legal right to form one.
The National: Cameron’s Unnatural Porcine Union Tells Us Much About Him
Cat Boyd | The Tories, immersed in public school and Oxbridge initiation ceremonies, are taught to look down on society’s helpless piglets.
#PigGate: Shocking Tales of PM David Cameron’s Days of Elitist Debauchery at Oxford
21WIRE + Daily Mail | Westminster spin doctors are currently struggling to grab hold of this greasy story.
Top British Political Candidate Caught Trying To Stage Fake Far-Right EDL Demo
21WIRE + Daily Mail | Attempts to stir racial tensions are now being made to try and win votes. Sickening.
Boris Johnson: ‘ISIS jihadis are porn-watching wankers’
21WIRE + Guardian | What’s more frightening is that he could be Britain’s next Prime Minister.
Thrup’ney bits, Tits – New Pound Coin is Elite Schoolboy Joke for Unwashed Masses
Sam William | Remember: your leaders really do love you, and they would never, ever want to completely screw you.
Tory Chop-Shop: 50,000 march in Manchester against selling-off of Britain’s NHS
21WIRE + Independent | Britons need to wake up – and fast, because the great NHS fire sale is already well underway.
British Nanny State Out of Control: Morning wake-up visits for 400,000 ‘shameless’ families
Mail Online | This is what David Cameron’s ‘BIG SOCIETY’ looks like. Looks like the Tories have finally lost the plot completely…
Thatcher Gets Thrashing During House of Commons ‘Tribute Session’
21WIRE | Thatcher legacy gets thumped into place by angry British MP. But whatever you do, DO NOT mention old Savile…
Wikipedia Page Alteration: Has Derek Laud Been ‘Unfriended’ by Tory Elite?
The Needle | Someone doesn’t want to be linked to Tory gopher and party boy Derek Laud. Is it the Camerons?
An ‘Arms Race’ for UK Parliamentary Visits To Israel
By Oliver Wright Groups linked to both sides of the conflict have spent over £130,000 since the last UK general election on taking Parliamentarians to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. Many of those MPs who accepted trips have gone on to make supportive speeches and statements in Parliament and the media backing the positions […]
Tory Pier Lord McAlpine break silence: ‘I did not sexually abuse anyone’
Former Conservative Party treasurer, breaks silence over internet rumours linking him to the North Wales child sex abuse case, describing them as “wholly false and seriously defamatory” Gordon Rayner The Telegraph Lord (Alistair) McAlpine’s name circulated widely online after Steve Messham, a former resident of the Bryn Estyn home in Wrexham, told Newsnight he had […]