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Death to the Chicago Climate Exchange ($7.40 to a nickel per CO2 ton, the market has spoken)

By William Griesingerwww.masterresource.orgNovember 18, 2010 “One of the keystones of the Climate Change alarmist movement was its audacious attempt to create a functioning market by monetizing the atmospheric gas known as CO2…. Certainly, gaming the system has always been at the top on the agenda of the new green eco-trader.” – Patrick Henningsen, “The Great Collapse […]

The IMF and its Corporate Partners Begin Feeding on UK Natural Resources

Editors Note: As the green movement continues chasing phantom events like global warming and climate change, real environmental abuses continue to go virtually unchallenged. Case in point: a cash-strapped British Government is preparing to sell off over half of its forest land to a cartel of private corporations  and banks in league with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It’s an ironic reverse-Robin Hood play, […]

The cold truth: Climate Science is anything but “settled”

The debate is now open: watch this fantastic and informative 5 part interview series with the UK’s Lord Monckton covering all aspects of the great global warming and climate change debate – IPCC scientific fraud, global government and the realisation of a New World Order designed by a global elite…    A sharp and very complete interview with the UK’s […]

Eco-warrior Osama Bin Laden Joins the Climate Camp

21WIRE + Yahoo News | More proof that the Bin Laden mythology is a CIA creation.

Global Warming: Nine out of ten Polar Bears disagree


Another Domino Falls: UK’s Leading Scientific Body Retreats on Climate Change

By Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire Sept 30, 2010 It’s the latest in a series of high-profile set-backs suffered by global warming theorists- the UK’s leading scientific body has decided to rewrite its own definitive guide on climate change, now admitting that it is “not known” how much warmer the planet will become. The Royal […]


By Andrew McKillop 21st Century Wire Sept 29th 2010 Like a Marlene Dietrich show in a remake of 1945 Berlin, surrounded by Soviet troop hordes, the nuclear sales show has to go on.  The vaunted “Nuclear Renaissance” which is being proclaimed by the industry could see more than 200 new reactors built during the 2010-2020 […]

The Great Collapse of the Chicago Climate Exchange

Patrick Henningsen | Al Gore’s Green Elephant collapses in a heap of star dust, but not before Gore and Blood sell out and leave town.

MIDTERM WARNING: We Are Being Set-up for Another Fake War

21WIRE | Hillary Clinton: the USA’s new War Secretary.

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