The new year has passed and with it another annual news cycle for 21st Century Wire. During this time we have posted over 100 stories, covering a range of challenging subjects including new & emerging technology, the global economy, climate change, 911, the War on Terror, internet freedom, the Wikileaks phenomenon and the music industry.
By far, the subject which dominated our hit counter was global warming and climate change which accounted for over 50% of our traffic on the site, as well as hundreds of thousands of more views through syndication. We thank the editors of many other sites who carried our stories online this past year.
One story generated more hits than any other in 2010 and no wonder- 21st Century Wire was credited by some for predicting the (eventual) collapse of the Chicago Climate Exchange(CCX) in our August 28th feature, and certainly we had our share of doubters back then. Not that it was difficult to predict, what with carbon emission prices dropping faster than your Chinese pirate DVDs.
Journalistic instinct and some street smarts also paid off in December with our small punt on the FIFA World Cup-Russian Spy series of articles, a story that the mainstream media has refused to touch since, but whose details will no doubt be revealed in due course. That said…
Here is a list of the most visited stories during the past year 2010:
1. The Great Collapse of the Chicago Climate Exchange
2. New Obama Law Places ‘Soviet-Style’ Capital Controls on Americans
3. WIKILEAKS: Corrupted Oracle or Cointelpro Asset of the Establishment?
4. The 21st Century Matrix: Technocracy and the Rise of the Machines
5. 2010: Another record breaking winter. So what happened to global warming?
6. Another Domino Falls: UK’s Leading Scientific Body Retreats on Climate Change
7. Textbook Doublethink: SPLC’s Latest Effort Attacks Constitutionalists
As 2010 was our first year on the web, we would like to thank all our readers and RSS subscribers for helping to make it a very successful launch year. We look forward to an even better year in 2011, with new site features, new staff writers coming on board and a broader scope with which to analyse a wider variety pressing issues facing the world today. Expect more challenging subjects and even better research links in the months to come…
Happy New Year from everyone at 21st Century.
Patrick Henningsen
Managing Editor
21st Century Wire