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USA News Archives

Unmasked: EX- IT worker at CIA behind biggest-ever NSA leak

RT | The source of the bombshell leaks that revealed the massive scale of US surveillance has unmasked himself.

Hollywood wants to block Dotcom’s Mega

RT | Hollywood Studios is demanding for Google to delist Kim Dotcom’s website Mega from its websearch, Dotcom says this is censorship.

More Bilderberg Photos: Queen Beatrix Leads the Way…

21st Century Wire | More rare images of Bilderberg members creeping into the Grove Hotel on Day 1 of the event…

Verizon Treason? US government seizes millions of call records at FBI’s request

RT | Millions of Americans are reportedly having their phone records seized without their knowledge.

American woman dies in Syria fighting for rebels

RT | several foreign nationals – including an American woman and a UK citizen – have been killed fighting on the side of the rebels.

‘US Drone strikes in Pakistan negate right to life’

RT | Shahzad Akbar, a human rights lawyer representing drone victims

We Are Human Guinea Pigs: DARPA & IBM help launch new low frequency microwave mobile data network

21WIRE | We are already bathing in radiation – now global tech giants want to increase it.

Holder: ‘I’ll protect journalists’

Washington Post | Would believe Eric Holder if he promised to protect you?

NASA Wants 3D Printers in Space

Venture Beat | We’re hoping that they send Dianne Feinstein up there too…

Race-baiting in 2013: Obama’s ‘Injured Voice’

21st Century Wire | This is perhaps Obama’s lowest point yet, wrapping himself in past horrors of the Jim Crow south.

Is Obama an ‘elected dictator’?

Brasscheck TV | Where’s taking a break from our normal news cycle to watch Ron Paul school Obama.

Lobbying 101: How to Buy a Congressman in Washington DC

21st Century Wire | American democracy doesn’t stand a chance as long as our politicians continues suckling off Washington’s DC premier cash cow.

Transatlantic Union: Scandals, Scoundrels and Global Trade Partners?

Shawn Helton | The bizarre new world of joint press conferences is beginning to prove the theory of a global government.

Corruption at the Top: DOJ Leaked Docs to Smear Fast & Furious Whistleblower, Says IG

Breitbart.com | Is the White House directing the DOJ to s mear a key Fast & Furious campaign for justice.

Disturbing: Obama’s media shield law makes prosecuting journalists even easier

21WIRE + RT | The White House’s latest anti-Press move is selling American values down the river towards tyranny.

RT Op-Edge: Why Obama’s ‘red line’ in Syria has turned pink

RT Op-Edge | The chemical weapons crowd in Washington and London are now on very shaky ground indeed.

Organizing for Action struggles to move the needle on Obama’s agenda

Washington Post | President Obama’s supporters are discovering that winning a national election is easier than winning over Congress.

UK Column Live – Conference for Freedom in Press and Media 2013

UK Column | Exposing The Leveson Common Purpose: The battle for press and internet freedom is now on.

Michelle Obama prepares university grads for job disappointment

21st Century Wire | Getting us used to expecting that much less…

Presidents of ABC, CBS News Have Siblings Working at White House, Linked to Benghazi

21st Century Wire | Both ABC and CBS are also beholden to the White House, in more ways than one.

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