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Is Michelle Obama Running in 2024?

21WIRE | Is this the Democrat’s last popular option?

Michelle Obama’s Message Promotes Racial Division and Victimhood Status

Wayne Dupree | “All her video did was give them another reason to vote for Trump.”

Michelle Obama: ‘There’s Something Wrong with Women’

21WIRE | Despite its failure in 2016, the Democratic Party’s intelligensia are still doubling down on ID politics.

DNC Roundup: Still No Sign of ISIS, Dems ‘Cry Wolf’ Again, Two-Party System Contempt and more…

21WIRE | Around the horn we go, gavel to gavel at the DNC.

Michelle Obama DNC speech: ‘I wake up every morning in a house built by slaves’

21WIRE | The DNC opened with a bang last night, as the party gave a clear signal that identity politics would be its focus in the upcoming general election.

Michelle Obama’s Kony-style ‘Boko Haram’ PR Stunt Inspires Viral Anti-drone Campaign

21WIRE + RT | Would the White House ever stage – and take credit, for a dramatic rescue?

Michelle Obama and The Revenge of the ‘Knuckleheads’

21WIRE | There’s something not quite right about the First Lady’s remarks. Is there a pattern emerging here?

Michelle Obama Celebrates 50th Birthday with ‘Tax Holiday’ at Oprah’s Hawaii Compound

21WIRE + Ben Swann | Far be it from us to be nitpicky, but this latest FLOTUS escapade ain’t no shopping trip on Michigan Ave.

White House finally dumps IT firm behind HealthCare.gov

21WIRE + WP | It’s only taken 3 years and $700 million to find out that their no-bid contractors were incompetent.

Not Cool: Michele Obama’s Multi-Billion Dollar School Lunch Program

Dr of Common Sense | Is Michelle Obama a licensed dietician?

Michelle Obama prepares university grads for job disappointment

21st Century Wire | Getting us used to expecting that much less…

Michelle Obama’s Crocodile Tears… and 16 Vacations in 4 years

First Lady Michelle’s public-funded world austerity tour could come to a halt…

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue