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Bill Maher reduced to shreds by Glenn Greenwald over US invading ‘muslim countries’

21st Century Wire | What happens when clever talk show hosts stray out of their depth…

Visionary: Larry McDonald’s Stark Predictions Manifest Today

21st Century Wire | A look back at an American visionary who 30 years ago was right about many things.

Obama’s America: Artist Lauryn Hill sent away for government ‘re-education’

Patrick Henningsen | Knowing what we know about the dirty music industry, we can vouch for Hill’s conspiracy theory.

Democrats Used IRS to Try and Eliminate Political Opponents in 2012 Election

21st Century Wire | White House may have ordered the IRS to attack Tea Party and Patriot groups before the election.

Whistleblower or Red Herring? Boston advance warning that finish line was ‘vulnerable to terror attack’

21st Century Wire | It’s not good enough to say ‘we warned you’ after the fact, we want specifics now…

Criminal Investigation Begins into Waco, TX Fertilizer Factory Explosion

21st Century Wire | The timing of this event is too uncanny, and now officials appear to be digging further into the story.

Party Leader Obama instructs students to reject ‘anti-government’ opinions

21st Century Wire | Selling his vision of the “Homeland”, but where is he taking America?

Chris Matthews and MSNBC: The Toilet Bowl of Broadcast Journalism

21st Century Wire | The White House and its network openly employ orthodox Saul Alinsky methods to divide American society.

Was ‘terrorist’ Buford Rogers actually being groomed as FBI informant?

Patrick Henningsen | Buford ‘Bucky’ Rogers has all the makings of a perfect federal informant…

Obama ‘Zombie Target’ That Bleeds When Shot, Sold at NRA Convention

21st Century Wire | NRA circus is probably not doing 2nd Amendment advocates any favors, but Al Sharpton isn’t doing America any favors either…

Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus Found Alive In Ohio After Being Reported Missing for Ten Years

RT | Three women who went missing separately about a decade ago, when they were in their teens or early 20s, had been tied up but were found alive Monday

Nano-drones: Harvard’s Bee-sized Drones Revealed

RT | The scientists have just released the video of the first controlled flight of such a robotic bee.

Nuclear Leaks: Radioactive materials ‘lost’ in UK sparks fear of Terrorism

RT | Britain’s under pressure to put tighter controls on its radioactive materials – after it’s emerged that hazardous substances have gone missing in numerous locations over the last decade

DHS ‘Sports Division’: Federal Takeover of Sporting Event Security Already Underway

21st Century Wire | Spokane gets the full treatment: “backpack ban”, packs of sniffer dogs, and a border patrol helicopters…

Bitcoin helps fund world’s first 3D-printed gun, now test fired and available for download

21st Century Wire | This cat is now out of the bag, and governments are freaking out over 3D printing…

Kokesh July 4th loaded gun march on Washington already attracting mainstream attacks

21st Century Wire | Apparently this is one patriot with a huge pair of red, white and blue cojones.

22 Facts That Prove That The Bottom 90 Percent Of America Is Systematically Getting Poorer

The Economic Collapse | In the United States today, the wealthiest one percent of all Americans have a greater net worth than the bottom 90 percent combined.

DARPA: A Glimpse of All Tomorrow’s Weapons

21st Century Wire | New and interesting ways to kill other humans – courtesy of DARPA labs.

Obamacare in Cuba: Gitmo costing American taxpayer $900K per detainee

21st Century Wire | No US politician has the will or the intention, to do the right thing and shut down the monster.

Tsarnaev widow Katherine Russell now officially a ‘person of interest’ in Boston investigation

21st Century Wire | Now that the FBI has named Katherine Russell as someone of interest, will the media be asking the right questions?

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