21st Century Wire says…
You will not be immune from Ebola, but Big Pharma will be immune from you…
During the last 6 months, the United States suffered one of the all-time great pandemic hoaxes with Ebola pandemic that wasn’t.
For weeks on end, Americans were pelted with one sensational official announcement after another, like, “Authorities are actively monitoring 357 people in New York” (and of course, nothing came of it), followed by endless speculative and shameless tabloid-style online media fear-mongering ‘news’ (see one sensational story here).
The heightened public fear driven mostly by by media, came just ahead of the Big Pharma’s annual ‘Flu Season‘ vaccine marketing campaign, which made for the perfect ‘PR’ (‘Panic Relations’) cushion needed by the Vaccine Troika: pharmaceutical manufacturers, the CDC and the World Health Organization – in order to develop, quickly certify, market, and distribute their new line of Ebola vaccine product.
In a highly illegal maneuver, bureaucrats in Washington has already promised drug giants ‘liability protection’ against any lawsuits certain to come from people getting ill, or even dying – from a fast-tracked Ebola vaccine. This level of ‘immunity’ is what billions of dollars per year in lobby funds to Washington buys you. According to data from OpenSecrets.org, in 2013 alone, Washington DC coffers received contributions (legalized pay-offs) from Pharmaceuticals/Health Product makers totalling $228,219,456 million, with a total number of Clients reported of 367, from a total number of Lobbyists reported at 1,450.
It’s still unknown whether or not the unusual move by Health and Human Services (HHS) will mean the victims in Africa, one of the biggest target markets for Big Pharma, will also be frozen out of any legal action for illness or death against vaccine giants.
Any new vaccine will be expected to be laced with the usual poisonous ingredients and immune challenging hazardous compounds like – live viral strains and pathogens, heavy metals, mercury, formaldehyde, Thiomersal – to name a few.
Please get educated and learn more about the dangers of vaccines by reading Natural News Vaccine Warnings page.
More about Big Pharma’s Ebola vaccine legal immunity below…
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Tuesday offered liability protections to drug makers rushing to develop Ebola vaccines and urged other countries to follow suit.
Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell made the announcement as part of the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act in a move aimed at encouraging the development and availability of experimental Ebola vaccines.
The declaration provides immunity under U.S. law against legal claims related to the manufacturing, testing, development, distribution, and administration of three vaccines for the Ebola virus. However, it does not provide immunity for a claim brought in a court outside the United States.
HHS said the declaration is part of global efforts to address issues in the United States and in other countries where such vaccines are being developed, made and potentially used.
Burwell urged other countries to follow suit by enacting similar liability protections.
“As a global community, we must ensure that legitimate concerns about liability do not hold back the possibility of developing an Ebola vaccine, an essential strategy in our global response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa,” she said in a statement.
(…) Earlier this month, scientists at Oxford University started the first clinical trials of an experimental Ebola vaccine being developed by GlaxoSmithKline and the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
Other vaccine developers include Johnson & Johnson , Merck and NewLink Genetics Corp and Denmark’s Bavarian Nordic, which is developing a booster shot to help improve the effectiveness of some of the vaccines…
Continue this story at Reuters
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