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Search Results for: gladio

INTERVIEW: Jay Dyer – ‘J6, Cointelpro LARPING + GLADIO Redux’

TNT Radio | How the FBI and CIA have historically infiltrated groups and organisations in order to steer political and geopolitical affairs.

IRELAND: Islamic Inspired Terrorism Development, or Gladio Symptomatic?

21WIRE + Irish Times | Does Daesh have an issue with Ireland, or is this so called sovereign and neutral state being pulled into the Gladio arena.

STOCKHOLM: Another ‘Known’ Suspect – Lone Wolf Or Gladio

21WIRE + The Guardian | The Stockholm truck attack; a lone wolf, or something connecting to more sinister manoeuvres.

SHADES OF GLADIO? London Attacker ‘Known’ to MI5 – Police Terror Drill Days Before

Shawn Helton | Though many are still reeling in the wake of the London tragedy – key questions have emerged following this latest act of terror.

Episode #146 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘GLADIO GESTALT’ with guests F.William Engdahl, Vanessa Beeley

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

NICE MASSACRE: Another ‘Known Wolf’ Spawned From Gladio’s Cointelpro Litter

Shawn Helton |The Nice attack suspect was known to authorities despite contradictory claims.

Boiler Room #64 – GLADIO! Come Out and Play!

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Patrick Henningsen and Branko Malić break down the Dallas incident and discuss the strategy of tension imposed by the media.

DALLAS SHOOTING “SNIPERS”: Gladio Terror, Drills & Suspicious Details

Jay Dyer | Early anomalies, oddities and curious problems already arise in the initial reports of this large-scale event.

GLADIO SUMMER: Istanbul Airport Attack, Who Knew, Who Benefits?

Shawn Helton | What’s really behind the recent terror attack in Istanbul?


SUNDAY SCREENING | Our editorial team curates a documentary film for 21WIRE readers.

GLADIO GOES GLOBAL: Gangs and Counter Gangs in Europe, Northern Ireland, Iraq and now in Syria

21WIRE | To understand today’s geopolitical chaos, we must first understand the methods used to destabilize us both at home, and abroad.

GLADIO Goes ‘Full-Retard’: Belgian Hive Mind Sees Residents ‘Fight Terror’ By Tweeting Pics of Cats

21WIRE | This is the most pathetic attempt yet to cultivate a sheep-like mentality, herding the public into the establishment’s over-the-top ‘security theatre’.

Episode #109 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘GLADIO GOES GLOBAL: A Pretext For World War?’ with guests Mike Whitney, Vanessa Beeley, Gearóid Ó Colmáin

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

GLADIO STRIKES: Explosion at Peace Rally in Kharkov, Ukraine

21WIRE + RT | Gladio sought to eradicate any form of political dissent, is Kiev looking to do the same here?

OPERATION GLADIO: A Warning to Syriza and Greece?

21WIRE + RT | Is Operation Gladio sending a message to Greece that their policy direction needs to remain in favour of Western financial interests?

PARIS MAYHEM: French Connection – Gladio Elements in the Charlie Hebdo Incident

Jay Dyer | All the same villains and cast of characters that come to play in the vaudeville variety show that is the global war on terror.

GLADIO-Style: Deadly ‘Cartoon Jihad’ Attack Hits Charlie Hebdo Magazine in Paris

21WIRE | French president Hollande is calling today’s event ‘an attack on the republic’.


Stone Pinkerton | This recent Norway Massacre is the latest in a series of high profile terrorist attacks inching societies worldwide towards a global police state.

INTERVIEW: Daniel McAdams – Georgia, Fico and U.S. Debacle in Ukraine

TNT Radio | Is Europe heading into a GLADIO-style phase?

PODCAST: ‘Moscow Terror Attack’ with Patrick Henningsen Arnaud Develay, Freddie Ponton & Hesher

SUNDAY WIRE | Crocus City Hall: shades of GLADIO?

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