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Dyer: ‘Hollywood’s Systematic Degradation of Western Society’

Jay Dyer | Immoral and occult symbolism is on the increase – ushering in a new AEON of even greater levels of psychological and manipulation.

FLASHBACK: What Really Happened at Jonestown?

Brasscheck TV | We’re told that several hundred people voluntarily committed suicide rather than have their “paradise” taken away from them – but what there more to this story than meets the eye?

Charlie Manson, Serial Killers, LSD, Hippie Culture, Cults and Bitcoin Explosion – Boiler Room EP #138

Alternate Current Radio | Boiler Room – Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Randy J and Andy Nowicki talk Charlie Manson, MK Ultra, serial killers, a “Tech-Bro cult,” Bitcoin and more.

Boiler Room EP #114 – Psychos In The Compromised Media

Alternate Current Radio | The ACR Brain-trust returns to boil down the latest news, media shenanigans and continue their ongoing mission to smash the discredited MSM.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Frequency: The Secrets & Science of Sound (2014)

SUNDAY SCREENING | This week’s documentary film curated by our editorial team.

Grasping At Straws (The Illusion of Choice)

Zen Gardner | In a way I can’t blame them, and yet, I can.

REVEALED: The CIA Ran LSD Sex Houses in San Francisco in 1950s and 60s

SF Chronicle | The CIA was playing an extremely dangerous game, and we see the remnants today.

PARIS MAYHEM: French Connection – Gladio Elements in the Charlie Hebdo Incident

Jay Dyer | All the same villains and cast of characters that come to play in the vaudeville variety show that is the global war on terror.

Applied Mind-Control: How to Deal With Muggers Derren Brown-Style

21WIRE | If you have the gift of gab and a little Psych 101 knowledge, you may be able to avert that horrible mugging event.

Hollywood’s Early Occult Underbelly Revealed Through Film

21WIRE + Intellihub | Lynch’s film made “twilight language” references to a host of esoteric subjects, including the Manson Murders, and the CIA’s MKULTRA mind control programs.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue