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The ‘Divide and Conquer’ Campaign Being Waged Against Palestinian Resistance

Robert Inlakesh | The agenda to divide and conquer the Palestinian people and how this is being carried out.

AFGHANISTAN: “Colonialism Corrupts One Generation after Another in all Conquered Countries” ~ Andre Vltchek

Andre Vltchek | The UK is responsible for more massacres worldwide than any other country on Earth.

AVAAZ: The Pygmalion Virus in Three Acts – Act One

WKOG | One could theorize that today’s 21st century activism is a new process of mimesis

PHILIPPINES: Unity of People and Army Thwarts US Proxy Aggression

Andre Vltchek | “This is their president and their military fighting against something extremely foreign, violent and dreadful.”


WrongKindofGreen | The Humanitarian Industrial Complex relies on bottom feeders to survive

White Helmets, Syria, NGO Complex and Corporate Media Responsibility for Starting Wars

Vanessa Beeley | Vanessa Beeley talks to Sane Progressive about all things Syrian and White Helmets

PHILIPPINES: President Rodrigo Duterte – ‘There is not a Whimper When Powerful Nations Bomb Civilians’

RT | President Duterte speaks truth to power and exposes the Imperialist human rights complex.

Amnesty International “Human Slaughterhouse” Report Dismissed as Fake News by Ex UK Ambassador to Syria

21WIRE + Sputnik | Amnesty International ‘smart’ power underestimated power of truth

SYRIA: A True Supporter of Real Palestinian Resistance in the Middle East

Johnny Achi | Syria has been targeted because of its support of the Palestinian resistance

SYRIA: UK Academic Slams Amnesty International and NGO Complex Propaganda Campaigns

21WIRE + Going Underground | Approach the soft power, NGO Complex with caution

SYRIA: The Amnesty International Scandal, ‘Smart’ Warmongers and Terrorist Sympathizers

Tim Hayward | Amnesty International criminal weaponization of humanitarianism based on lies.

EXCLUSIVE: The REAL Syria Civil Defence Exposes Fake ‘White Helmets’ as Terrorist-Linked Imposters

Vanessa Beeley | The REAL Syria Civil Defence the true heroes – who paint the White Helmets black.

United Nations Brought Cholera Epidemic to Haiti, Killing 10,000 (and counting)

21WIRE | Once again, UN luminaries and NGO gravy train riders are more concerned with their careers and lucrative contracts – than they are about talking responsibility for the situations they create.

‘Western Propaganda is Paid for in Syrian Blood’ – Dr Bouthaina Shaaban Talks to Vanessa Beeley

Vanessa Beeley | Dr Bouthaina Shaaban on shaping the new world and Israel’s project in the Middle East

Syria: PokemonGo, the NGOs and the Game of Philanthro-Capitalism, Who Wins?

Jamila Assi | The NGO brand of humanitarian aid is philanthro-capitalism at work.

SYRIA: ‘Hand in Hand’ with Al Qaeda, the Ongoing Exposure of the NGO Complex

Robert Stuart | Another Syrian NGO bites the dust, exposed as Hand in Hand with Al Qaeda

GLADIO SUMMER: Istanbul Airport Attack, Who Knew, Who Benefits?

Shawn Helton | What’s really behind the recent terror attack in Istanbul?

Syria White Helmets: NATO’s Shadow State Project Blueprint

Vanessa Beeley | The Syria White Helmets and the NGO Complex, NATO’s shadow state building project

AVAAZ: The Progressive’s Honey Trap and Advocates of ‘Bombs for a Better World’

John Hanrahan | Avaaz promote “bombing for a better world” while calling for Palestinian Statehood. Hypocrisy or progressive manipulation?

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