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Belfast Solicitors Challenge OFCOM Ban of RT in the United Kingdom

Fra Hughes | The message is clear: we the people have a right to discern the truth and not to be spoon-fed propaganda.

UKC News: Vaccine Passport Coup Underway, VAERS Numbers Exploding

UKC News | Co-host Brian Gerrish, Patrick Henningsen and Alex Thomson with the end of week news round-up.

Irish Elections: Republicans Sinn Féin in Surprise Win, Edging Out Centre-Right Parties

21WIRE | Also looming in the background, the conversation of unification, which will continue regardless of how the next government is formed.

BREXIT and The Irish Border: ‘The Price of Peace’

Craig Murray | It is no accident that Northern Ireland is the rock on which Brexit has foundered.

The Real Problem with Brexit and The Irish Border

21WIRE | Is it all a staged drama used to engineer other social and geopolitical outcomes?

IRELAND: Islamic Inspired Terrorism Development, or Gladio Symptomatic?

21WIRE + Irish Times | Does Daesh have an issue with Ireland, or is this so called sovereign and neutral state being pulled into the Gladio arena.

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