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Delving deeper into the world of America's unexpected chief executive who, for better or worse, is actively reshaping US and international political conventions...


Cruz & Kasich Quit: Trump Crushes Elite Establishment, #DropOutHillary Now Trending

21WIRE | The political establishment’s elites are in full retreat.

Shock to The System: New Poll Says Trump CAN Beat Hillary

21WIRE | The American people are rejecting the political establishment, one candidate at a time.

Trump’s Foreign Policy: Promote Stability NOT Change, Stop Helping Terrorists

21WIRE | The military industrial complex is not looking forward to diplomacy before bombing.

David Icke on The Hillary, Donald & Bernie Show

YouTube | The US electoral dog and pony show, brought to heel by David Icke.

(Don’t Hold The Press) Jeb Bush Endorses Ted Cruz For President

21WIRE + Huff Post | America tries to hold back its excitement over this latest development in the US presidential race.

PILGER: ‘A World War Has Begun. Now Break the Silence.’

John Pilger | Having a ‘liberal’ president in the US was the trick needed to expand global militarism.

THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL RACE: Do Our Votes Really Matter?

James Perloff | So, who have the “PTB” anointed to become President this time around?

Coke Zero: What Went Wrong With The Marco Rubio Brand?

Patrick Henningsen | One of the biggest-ever exercises in marketing hype came crashing down yesterday.

Chicago Community Organizers Mobilize Flash Mobs to Shut Down Trump Campaign Rally

21WIRE | Chants of “We stopped Trump!” and “Bernie!” could be heard as student protesters occupied the arena.

Trump, Sanders Win Big In Michigan – Trump, Clinton Take Mississippi

21WIRE | Trump was the big winner on Tuesday night.

Attack on Trump: Mitt Romney Just ‘Awoke a Sleeping Giant’

21WIRE | Mitt Romney’s efforts to derail the Trump campaign may have just backfired quite spectacularly.

Neocon Nightmare: Trump Wants to ‘Get Along With Foreign Countries’

21WIRE | A new tune in American foreign policy rhetoric that the elite establishment does not like at all.

Watch as Trump Gatecrashes Glenn Beck’s Cruz Caucus Event in Nevada

21WIRE + Politico | It couldn’t have happened to a better TV entertainer.

SHOUT POLL: Will Donald Trump hold his lead, or will he tank?

21WIRE Shout | HAVE YOUR SHOUT: Can Trump sustain his lead. Vote, comment and share…

Bernie Sanders Could End Up Winning Iowa

21WIRE | In the end, Bernie Sanders could eventually become Iowa’s delegate winner.

Plastic Persona: Behind the Scenes of the Ted Cruz Media Machine

21WIRE | How Cruz erects his dramatic TV facade.

BOILER ROOM – New Year’s Cacophony – EP #37

Alternate Current Radio | Syria, ISIS, Lies, Star Wars…. Uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio is here…

Trump Hits Back at Hillary, Exposes Bill Clinton’s Dodgy Record of Abuse Against Women

21WIRE + The Hill | Bill is Hillary’s biggest asset, but he’s also her biggest Achilles heal.

Oy Vey? Zionist Capo Sheldon Adelson summons Trump for ‘private meeting’ on Israel

21WIRE + JTA | One can one can only wonder what Israeli mogul Adelson really said to The Donald.

Episode #113 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘From Paris to Palmrya’ with host Patrick Henningsen, guest Gearóid Ó Colmáin

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue