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Chicago Community Organizers Mobilize Flash Mobs to Shut Down Trump Campaign Rally

21st Century Wire says…

The 2016 Election has been one of many firsts. Last night saw an unprecedented incident ‐ where flash mobs from an opposing political party were successful in shutting down a presidential political rally.

Up to this point, GOP front-runner Donald Trump was getting hit from every conceivable angle, but mostly from his own party. Last night things took a disturbing partisan turn…

Early Friday evening, thousands of Trump attendees were already people packed into an indoor arena at the University of Illinois in Chicago, when the event was suddenly canceled after hundreds of young Democrat student protesters took the venue floor, before clashing with Trump’s Republican supporters only minutes before the candidate was due was to speak.

Citing “security concerns”, campaign event organizers announced the event was over. Chants of “We stopped Trump!”, and “Bernie, Bernie!” could be heard as student protesters occupied the center floor in the arena.

Scenes of tense confrontations, including fist fights, dominated media coverage with many broadcasters, including Don Lemon from CNN, blaming Donald Trump himself for the mobilization of the protesters and even called for Trump to “take responsibility” for the violence.

Trump’s election opponents took advantage of the media may-lay, with Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz and Gov. John Kasich, all condemning the disruptions at first, before laying blame on Trump, saying he alone was responsible for “the tone and tenor” at his rallies. Cruz took the media opportunity to say that Trump “affirmatively encourages violence.”

Expect More ‘Social Justice’ Mobs

Democrat Party website MoveOn.org posted that “hateful” Trump and his supporters have been “put on notice” and to expect flash mobs at all Trump political events in the future.

Democrat Party activists initially tried to pressure civic authorities to prevent the event from happening with student activists claiming “fears for their safety” referring to African-American and Hispanic students fears of Trump supporters coming to the area. A petition was started on MoveOn.org and managed to get roughly 5,000 signatures. When authorities refused to cancel the event beforehand, Democrat Party activists then began organizing a large street agitation. Following a week-long social media and political community organizing campaign, young student Democrats and ‘social justice’ activists converged on the venue last night, with signs and banners with anti-Trump slogans, including signs depicting the GOP candidate as Adolph Hitler, as well as other creative protest displays.

Outside of the arena, approximately 2,000 more protesters were positioned along the road hoping to confront Trump supporters as they exited the arena. Hundreds of police, including officers on horseback acted as a barrier between the flash mobs and the venue. Law enforcement managed to re-route Trump supporters via other egress points which avoided a street confrontation.

The Chicago Police Department arrested and detained four men and a woman at the event.

READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files



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