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“PROPHECY” PROPAGANDA: Zionist Millennialism Refuted

Jay Dyer | John Hagee: A Case in Point About Evangelical Zionist Errors.

Watch as Trump Gatecrashes Glenn Beck’s Cruz Caucus Event in Nevada

21WIRE + Politico | It couldn’t have happened to a better TV entertainer.

‘God Complex’: Is Glenn Beck Clinically Insane?

21WIRE + Young Turks | This self-styled political-religious pundit is a master manipulator.

The Holy Business: End-Times Buffoonery in a Modern World

Daniel Spaulding | Newsflash: the rapture has already happened.

Glenn Beck Throws ‘Maverick’ John McCain Under the Bus Over Obamacare Comments

21WIRE + The Blaze | It’s great to see that Beck has finally recognized what we have been saying for a while now…

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