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Attack on Trump: Mitt Romney Just ‘Awoke a Sleeping Giant’

21st Century Wire says…

Did Mitt Romney just make an incredible mistake?

Fox News contributor Judge Jeanine Pirro has unleashed a scathing attack on Mitt Romney after his recent moves to try and put a halt to Donald Trump’s presidential run:

“There’s an insurrection coming, Mitt Romney just confirmed it,”

“Mitt Romney will always be remembered as the one who put us over the edge and awoke a sleeping giant – the silent majority – the American people,”

“Fact – the establishment is panicked.”

The military industrial complex is certainly panicked as Trump, the Republican frontrunner, just said that he wants to ‘get along with foreign countries‘, particularly Russia, instead of going to war with them.

Watch Judge Jeanine unload on the failed Republican candidate, who, in her words, “choked” during the 2012 election, in the following video:

GET THE FULL STORY ON THIS YEAR’S ELECTION: 21st Century Wire Election Files



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