Jay Dyer | We conclude the Tragedy & Hope lectures with the timely election of Donald Trump which eerily parallels the Goldwater era while questioning the cabinet circles that may surround Trump and the expected Soros riots.
Trump, Tragedy & Hope Pt. 8: The Philosophy of Globalism – Conclusion (Video)
Trump Attacks Hillary: “She is a world class liar!”
21WIRE | Today, Donald Trump presented a full length speech attacking Hillary Clinton.
‘Journalistic Malpractice’: CNN Slammed for ‘Biased’ Coverage in Favour of Hillary
21WIRE | CNN has been attacked for fraudulently declaring Hillary the winner.
MSNBC Admits Plan to Suppress Bernie Sanders Voters in California
21WIRE | A stunning example of dirty tricks used by the mainstream media.
‘Bernie Sanders is on a Mission’
21WIRE | But can he accomplish his objective?
Latest Poll: Bernie Sanders is The ONLY Candidate Who Beats Trump
21WIRE | Things are not looking good for Hillary Clinton.
Trump: Iraq War a ‘Disaster’, Tony Blair Did ‘Terrible Job’ by Following US Invasion
21WIRE | The globalists are not going to be happy about this.
Hillary Clinton is ‘Most Corrupt, Militaristic Candidate We Have Seen in Decades’
21WIRE | Hillary Clinton has a long, hard road ahead to convince people she is trustworthy.
EPIC FAIL: Anti-Trump Movement Spent $75 MILLION on 64,000 Ads
21WIRE | The system is running out of options it can use to stop Trump.
‘To Stop Clinton’: The TOP Reason Americans Will Vote for Trump
21WIRE | A greater percentage of people are willing to vote to stop Hillary than Trump.
Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton: Defensive Realist vs. War Hawk?
21WIRE | How will Trump and Hillary’s foreign policies differ?
Cruz & Kasich Quit: Trump Crushes Elite Establishment, #DropOutHillary Now Trending
21WIRE | The political establishment’s elites are in full retreat.
Shock to The System: New Poll Says Trump CAN Beat Hillary
21WIRE | The American people are rejecting the political establishment, one candidate at a time.
Trump’s Foreign Policy: Promote Stability NOT Change, Stop Helping Terrorists
21WIRE | The military industrial complex is not looking forward to diplomacy before bombing.
‘Vote All You Want, The Secret Government Won’t Change.’
21WIRE | The military industrial complex is deeply embedded within the American political system.
Attack on Trump: Mitt Romney Just ‘Awoke a Sleeping Giant’
21WIRE | Mitt Romney’s efforts to derail the Trump campaign may have just backfired quite spectacularly.
Neocon Nightmare: Trump Wants to ‘Get Along With Foreign Countries’
21WIRE | A new tune in American foreign policy rhetoric that the elite establishment does not like at all.