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Watch as Trump Gatecrashes Glenn Beck’s Cruz Caucus Event in Nevada

21st Century Wire

One TV personality Trumps another TV personality.

While GOP front runner Donald Trump was on his way to another resounding win, this time at the Nevada Caucus primary, he continued to rewrite the political rule book by making an unscheduled stop at a competitor’s rally.

It couldn’t have happened to a better entertainer (not Donald)…

Eliza Collins

Donald Trump crashed the Nevada caucus location at which conservative talk show host Glenn Beck was speaking Tuesday night on behalf of Ted Cruz.

MSNBC was broadcasting a live look at the caucus site, Palo Verde High School in Summerlin, when Trump suddenly showed up and made an impromptu speech of his own.

“We are going to have hopefully a historic night,” Trump said. “I appreciate everybody being here. I wanted to be here myself and say a few words.”

The billionaire informed his Twitter followers he would be “at various caucus sites” throughout Nevada on Tuesday, but didn’t specify where.

Afterward, MSNBC asked Trump about his allegation that Cruz is a liar.

“Ted is gonna start telling the truth … people have gotten wise to him,” Trump said, pointing to Cruz’s third-place finish in South Carolina on Saturday as a problem for the Texas senator. “When he lifts his hands up high, I think he’s going to be very happy.”…

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