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Cruz & Kasich Quit: Trump Crushes Elite Establishment, #DropOutHillary Now Trending

21st Century Wire says…

The field is now clear for Trump to become the GOP presidential nominee.

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Ted Cruz and John Kasich have both now bowed out of the presidential race, leaving Donald Trump as the last Republican candidate standing.

The two failing candidates made their decision after Trump swept to victory in Indiana last night.

Dr. Inderjeet Parmar, Head of the Department of International Politics at City University London, says that, ‘it has exposed a deeply divided Republican party whose leadership has lost all credibility and whose conservative philosophy, which it has held dear since 1980, is in tatters.’

It is, indeed, the elite leadership of both political parties that appears to have provoked this realignment in US politics towards outsiders and those not embroiled in what many see as a corrupt and broken system.

Bernie Sanders, the Democratic outsider, also shocked the world with a victory over Hillary Clinton last night.

Just two weeks ago Cruz and Kasich were publicising that they had made a deal to stop Trump, yet even their combined efforts were useless.

Yesterday, a Rasmussen poll emerged showing that Donald Trump can indeed beat Hillary Clinton at the general election, and that scenario is looking ever more likely with the political establishment in such dramatic retreat.

It is possible that Bernie voters will not support Hillary in the general election, and in many ways their anti-establishment position gels much better with the politics of Trump than it does with Wall Street insider Clinton.

Immediately after Kasich’s announcement today, #DropOutHillary began trending on Twitter. At the time of writing it is the number two trending hashtag in the US with 102,000 tweets.

With such an immediate response taking aim at another establishment figure, the chances of Trump, or perhaps even Sanders, taking the presidency seem higher than ever.

GET THE FULL STORY ON THE ELECTION: 21st Century Wire 2016 Election Files



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