UK Column | UK Column Live current affairs programme, with host Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson.
More Baby P Schemes: Children Visiting A&E to Go on Database to ‘Spot Signs of Abuse’
David Icke says… “The prime motivation for this is not to protect children (if, only), it is to justify ever more children with loving parents being stolen by the State – the very State with a grotesque record of abusing children in ‘care’ and the covering up what happened – especially when it involves the rich […]
Sick Britain: NHS is Now Putting Babies on ‘Death Pathways’ To Save Money
Mail Online | Shocking new practice of withdrawing food and fluid by tube being used on young patients.
MORE PPP: Fears for Patient Safety as 60,000 NHS Jobs Face Termination
The Independent Nina Nakhani The NHS is “sleepwalking” into a nursing crisis with thousands of frontline posts lost and training positions axed, the Government is warned today. The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) said that despite the Coalition’s promise to protect frontline staff from cuts the NHS workforce has fallen by almost 21,000 since the […]