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Never Forget: The Towering Exposure of Hillary Clinton by Assange and WikiLeaks

Sheila Coombes | A fact which Libyans and Syria know all too well: Clinton as “someone who’s eaten alive” by her ambitions.

US Elites Vilifying Assange Are The Same Elites Wikileaks Exposed

21WIRE | Do you see the connection?

Battlefield Libya and the Fruits of US-NATO Regime Change

Tony Cartalucci | Libya’s current status as a failed, warring state is owed entirely to the US-led NATO intervention in 2011.

SouthFront: Map Update on Military Situation in Libya

SouthFront | A map update on the current military situation in Libya.

William Hague Attacks Corbyn on Venezuela, Exposes Barbarism of Regime Change Policy

Nina Cross | William Hague’s attack on Corbyn for his non-intervention stance on Venezuela stems from Hague’s own history of destructive meddling and neocon ideology.

Memo Reveals Hillary Clinton’s Role as a Chief Architect of Syrian War

Daniel Lazare | WikiLeaks memo reveals the extent to which Clinton had plunged the U.S. deeper into the Syrian war.

They Can’t Be Serious: David Cameron Wants to Return as Foreign Secretary

Neil Clark | Aside from Blair, can anyone think of a more undesirable person to return to the halls of government?

NATO’s Caper Complete: Billions Stolen from Libya’s ‘Frozen Assets’ in Belgium

21WIRE | The western policy of ‘freezing assets’ of countries being targeted regime change is simply a prelude to stealing them.

‘Masked Men’ Vigilantes Fighting Crime in ‘Failed Libyan State’

Middle East Eye | Volunteers in Zuwara in Libya’s far west have been fighting crime in the city for five years to fill the post-revolution power vacuum.

Remembering John McCain

21WIRE | A life dedicated to the industry of war.

Justifying Murder – The U.S Freefall into Fear and Loathing at Home and Abroad

Christopher C. Black | An enraged ruling elite lash out in all directions to justify their murderous hegemony.

Charity for Syria? Holding ‘Hope Hospital’ Accountable

Steven Sahiounie | There are some serious problems with The Guardian’s recent feel-good piece on the latest celebrated medical charity ‘working for Syria’.

The Western Left Fiddles While the World Burns

Andre Vltchek | The Western left has failed to honestly address global history.

Henningsen: ‘Are Trump’s Comments Worse Than Bush and Blair’s War?’

21WIRE + RT | This is bad for Trump, but try to explain Haiti for starters.

Another Year, More Color Revolutions?

21WIRE | 2018 will be a busy year for the CIA and George Soros – as they cling to the old order.

SHAKE & BAKE: 2018 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE

SPECIAL REPORT | Region by region, we’re looking ahead to the next year. Here’s what to look out for…

US Post 9/11 Wars ‘Budget’ Approaching $6 Trillion

21WIRE | The financial merry-go-round of war.

Was Gaddafi Right About JFK?

21WIRE | His conclusion as shocking as it was orphic.

New “New Labour” and their ‘Secret’ Foreign Policy Agenda ~ John Pilger

John Pilger | Many Labour pledges – certainly in foreign policy – are qualified and compromised.

UK COLUMN: Palestine, UAE, Syria and the Boris Johnson ‘Gaffe’ – with Vanessa Beeley

21WIRE | Vanessa Beeley on UK Column to discuss developments in the Middle East.

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