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Hollywood Files

Films, directors, spooks and psy-ops. Find out more about the real plots concealed behind the narratives, from our Hollywood archive of over 500 Hollywood-related articles and videos at 21WIRE...

Epic Fail: Jon Stewart Lies in Ferguson Skit, Gets Slammed by CA District Attorney

Peter Sterry | John Stewart is not a comedian, he’s a politician.

TERMINATOR: Revelation of the Coming A.I. Takeover

Jay Dyer | It will be humans programming A.I. to delete threats in the future.

Charles in Charge: Barkley Takes the High Road on Ferguson and Race

Patrick Henningsen | Sharpton and CNN’s cadre of ‘race experts’ could all learn a thing or two from Sir Charles.

Gov’t and ISP’s Master Plan for Throttling Online News Sites

Mike Adams | A practice run that took place earlier this week in California has already confirmed Gov’t has ability to block news sites regionally.

PARASITIC PROWL: Analysis of the Hollywood Pyschodrama ‘Nightcrawler’

Shawn Helton | Nightcrawler is haunting vision of American media, popculture and hidden meaning.

INTERSTELLAR: Secret Revelations of Transhumanism and ‘The Singularity’

Jay Dyer | Nolan is back, and his new film, Interstellar, is like ‘Inception’ meets ‘2001: Space Odyssey’ – attempting to go where no film has gone before.

ACHTUNG BONO: U2 Singer ‘Cheats Death’ at 10,000 Feet in Private Learjet

21WIRE + Independent | Globalist bopper Bono nearly lost it all in midair.

Applied Mind-Control: How to Deal With Muggers Derren Brown-Style

21WIRE | If you have the gift of gab and a little Psych 101 knowledge, you may be able to avert that horrible mugging event.

SNOWPIERCER: Deep Themes of Geoengineering, Controlled Oppostion and Transhumanism

Jay Dyer | One of the most unique and all-encompassing plots to hit Hollywood’s big screen in a while.

Controlling the American Mind: The Viral Liturgical Psychodrama

Jay Dyer | More Fruit Bat terrorists, and other boogymen for a 21st century audience.

Episode #55 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Ebola: Twelve Monkeys in America?’ with guests Sharon Schloss and Jay Dyer

SUNDAY WIRE | Ebola, ISIS and Steven Tyler’s zombie: tighten your seatbelt, lower the blast shield, and be sure to wear a helmet.

Disasters, Pandemics and the ‘Art of the Con’

Jay Dyer | The con is one of the oldest, time-honored practices of fallen humanity

PC Nightmare: White Lesbian Mom Sues Sperm Bank For Getting Black Sperm

21WIRE + Trove | Who said that the rainbow left can’t turn a buck on a controversy.

Episode #53 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Hola Ebola!’ with host Patrick Henningsen, guest Clive de Carle

SUNDAY WIRE | Answering questions about Ebola, risks, scandals and where it’s heading, plus the rest of the best in news and commentary.

TRON (1982) – The Ultimate in Predictive Programming

Jay’s Analysis | Having reached a point of godlike abilities, the power and exponential growth of technology is both wondrous and ominous.

Episode #52 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Some Fear the Truth’ with Basil Valentine and Patrick Henningsen

SUNDAY WIRE | Basil Valentine covers the top stories of the week.

Florida Schools Forced to Allow Satanic Church Access to its Young Students

21WIRE + RT | There is something very wrong with this scene in America today. Dean Ryan covers Hollywood scandals in the last hour.

The Truth About the Death of Robin Williams

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | There are seldom any further inquiries once the official hammer drops on a celebrity ‘suicide’ case.

Staged ISIS Videos are the Plot of Iron Man 3 (2013)

Jay’s Analysis | Hollywood and staged intelligence operations are now the same.

Episode #50 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Fear of Scotland and ISIS’ with guest Basil Valentine and more

SUNDAY WIRE | In the final hour of show, Dean Ryan covers Hollywood’s seedy celebrity subculture.

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