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Hollywood Files

Films, directors, spooks and psy-ops. Find out more about the real plots concealed behind the narratives, from our Hollywood archive of over 500 Hollywood-related articles and videos at 21WIRE...

Lost Boys (1987) – Revelation of Satanic Ritual Abuse?

Jay Dyer | The Lost Boys is a revelation of the dark side of the establishment.

Episode #77 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘It’s a Mad, Mad World’ with guest Sean Stone

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Israeli Ambassador Attempts to Ban Hungary’s ‘Pro-Peace’ Eurvision Song Entry

21WIRE + Desert Peace | This song deserves a chance to be heard.

Discovery of ‘Foreign’ DNA in Human Genome Challenges Darwin’s Theory

21WIRE + Daily Mail | How little we really know about the beginnings of human life on Earth.

DAMAGE CONTROL: Does Cobain Doc ‘Montage of Heck’ Whitewash the Singer’s Death?

Shawn Helton | The documentary ‘Montage of Heck’ neglects to discuss any of the alarming forensic details observed in Cobain’s death.

PRECRIME IS HERE: An Esoteric Analysis of ‘Minority Report’ (2002)

Jay Dyer | The PreCrime test requires a total surveillance society, something akin to complete panopticism.

Turkey Wants To Ban Minecraft Game (but not ISIS)

21WIRE + Eurogamer | The issues here extend beyond the realm of simple censorship.

HBO Going Bottom-up: That’s A Good Thing For HBO and the Future of Media

Rob Kall | Monopolistic, limited option control of TV access by big cable is inconsistent with the capabilities of the 21st century.

PR Distaster As India Bans Controversial Rape Documentary

Associated Press | The victim’s parents have publicly named their daughter and have said they want the world to know about her plight.

CONJURING: The Alchemy of Synthetic Finance & Global Governance

Jay Dyer | A synthetic anima mundi would have to be constructed, gathering massive amounts of data and information over a long period of time.

Logan’s Run (1976) – Our Technocratic Dystopia Unveiled

Jay Dyer | The pro-life message of Logan’s Run is refreshing in contrast to the death culture obsession of modern Hollywood productions.

The Greatest Role: Leonard Nimoy’s Struggle With ‘Being Spock’

21WIRE + The Switch | He was greatly admired and respected, not just because of the brilliant character which he played, but because of the way he played it.

Kingsman: The Secret Service – The Ultimate Conspiracy Film?

Jay Dyer | With Kingsman we can rest assured connecting these dots is precisely what is intended, since Hollywood is now cinematic Gnosticism.

ELECTRA COMPLEX: Why Billionaire Oligarchs Bankroll Feminism

Jay Dyer | We must see the real players behind “women’s liberation.”

Oscar Night Special: 21WIRE ‘Mop-Up’ Awards

21WIRE SPECIAL | Extending the awards process out of film and into the real-life psy-op psycho dramas we suffer daily.

Episode #73 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Oscar Sunday’ with Ed Asner, Jay Dyer, Shawn Helton and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Music With A Message: TRAPT – ‘Sound Off’

21WIRE + Trapt | The second artist in our Music With A Message series, Trapt, brings a politically charged music video that deserves your attention.

Libya, Egypt and ISIS: Could World War III Start With a Video?

Patrick Henningsen | Unless we can cure ourselves of this mass obsession with religious propaganda videos, we don’t stand a chance.

Music With A Message: NxtGen – ‘Austerity’

21WIRE + NxtGen | This new series of posts is going to bring you music looking to spread important political messages. Hip Hop artist NxtGen is up first!

SHADES OF GRAY: Tragic Deaths of ‘Gray State’ Filmmaker David Crowley & Family Still a Mystery

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | Many are still asking what really happened with the ‘murder-suicide’ of David Crowley and his family.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue