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Reality’s Rogue Nation: The Real Meaning Behind ‘Mission Impossible 5’

Jay Dyer | Has MI6 really made a deal with the devil?

21WIRE DOC SERIES: ‘The War On Democracy’ by John Pilger

21DOCS | What you will see in this film is shocking, and a lesson for humanity.

SHADES OF GRAY: Tragic Deaths of ‘Gray State’ Filmmaker David Crowley & Family Still a Mystery

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | Many are still asking what really happened with the ‘murder-suicide’ of David Crowley and his family.

American Sniper: Hollywood and Our Homeland Insecurity Complex

Patrick Henningsen | Eastwood’s intense character study of Chris Kyle is by far the most sophisticated piece of war propaganda to date.

Why Martin Scorsese Has Bailed On His Bill Clinton Documentary Film

21WIRE + PJ Media | Something has spooked Hollywood legend Martin Scorsese.

‘The Interview’, A Sony False Flag Hack and Hollywood’s Empire of Mediocrity

Patrick Henningsen | At last, a cool international cause that Hollywood can finally rally around!

‘BOUGHT’: Your Health, Brought To You By Wall Street (Film)

Vaccidemic + iThink Smart | Peel back the layers and see what’s really driving our industrialized food, vaccine expansion, and dependence on Big Pharma .

INTERSTELLAR: Secret Revelations of Transhumanism and ‘The Singularity’

Jay Dyer | Nolan is back, and his new film, Interstellar, is like ‘Inception’ meets ‘2001: Space Odyssey’ – attempting to go where no film has gone before.

Transcendence (2014): The ultimate transhumanist film to date

Jay’s Analysis | Imagine a ‘ghost in the machine’ accessing infinite amounts of data, but for what purpose?

A Film About Revelation of the Method: The Prestige (2006)

Jay Dyer | It’s only magic when you don’t understand the science behind it.

Did White House Pressure Studio to Cut ‘Satan Scene’ Because Devil Looked Like Obama?

21WIRE + Rundown Live | Has the political narcissism of the White House actually managed to get a Hollywood film cut?

Silent Killer: TV Propaganda and the Mind Control Culture

SARTRE | With the proliferation of cable channels and 24 hour programming, the landscape of TV addiction dramatically excludes normal interpersonal relations.

The FBI’s Secret Game of Social Engineering and Hollywood’s ‘Super Snitch’ Reagan

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | You really don’t know who is working for who in America’s Secret State.

NSA abuses accurately predicted in 1967 Hollywood film ‘The President’s Analyst’

Brasscheck TV | This film flopped flopped commercially when it came out, but now it’s achieved a cult status.

TPP: Hollywood, Big Pharma and Global Think-Tanks ‘Merge’ in Trade Takeover

Shawn Helton | Global policy makers have usurped the sovereign rights of U.S. citizens by undermining its Constitution and are using big business to achieve its goals.

The De-Moralization of the West by Hollywood’s Culture Machine

21WIRE + WP | Executives in Hollywood have worked hard to expose younger audiences to extreme sex and violence.

Actors, Directors and Bloody Squibs: Was the Boston Bombing Pure Hollywood?

21st Century Wire | Many people’s first reaction to scenes of the bombing was that of disbelief. Here’s why…

Hollywood History Hoax: Iran hires top lawyer to sue for ‘lies’ in Affleck’s Argo film

RT | Ben Affleck never considered the possibility of being challenged for running a Hollywood CIA propaganda feature.

Revisiting the Copyright Debate: ‘Steal This Film’ – Part 1 & 2

21st Century Wire | This excellent documentary series goes through in fine detail the battle which is still being fought along intellectual property lines.

Disclosure: Multiple Proofs That No Passenger Jet Ever Hit Pentagon on 9/11

21st Century Wire | If you’ve ever wondered what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, then this video will answer all of your questions, including: ‘Where did the plane go?’.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue