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Did White House Pressure Studio to Cut ‘Satan Scene’ Because Devil Looked Like Obama?

21st Century Wire says…

When he arrived on the pop political scene in 2008, he was billed by his faithful following as ‘The Messiah’. It seems that years and real politik has taken a heavy toll…

Has the political narcissism of the White House and its sycophantic media arms actually managed to get a Hollywood film cut?

This might be the first time in living memory hat Hollywood has actually cut out a Satanic scene form any film, that said…

Notice how the media have given this story the fly-by treatment. But let’s get real for a moment, for this to happen, phone call would have had to have been made.

Indeed, liberal media pundits and White House operators were horrified to find out the actor depicting Satan in the upcoming release of ‘Son of God’, looked way too much like The Dear Leader, and somehow, the studio felt enough pressure to cut the scenes from the film.

Screen Shot 2016-05-06 at 10.21.00 AM
UNCANNY: Obama is a doppelganger for the Devil.

They just couldn’t have that, so like any true despotic and paranoid regime, indirect (and perhaps direct?) pressure was somehow applied prompting producers to remove the blasphemous images from the film in order to protect the image of the President? Bizarre.

Apologists will claim it was a ‘viral storm’ online which cause the film’s alteration, but at some juncture along the line a call had to have been made – based on politics.

Our verdict: What a terrible coincidence that Satan and the President bore such a striking resemblance, but the fact that the film was censored as a result, does not bode well either for The Dear Leader, because as we can all see now – the cat’s out of the bag…

Satan Scene Cut From Hollywood ‘The Bible’ Movie Because He Looked Like Obama

Kristan Harris
The Rundown Live

Brand new Hollywood Bible film ‘Son of God’ will open in cinemas on February 28, with no devil apparently because he looks like Barrack Obama. The 21st Century Fox film is a revamped version of ‘The Bible’.

The movie is based on of a successful History Channel miniseries. The 10-hour drama was an unexpected success for the History Channel with ratings as high as 13.1 million viewers beating out top  programming such as American Idol’s 12.8 million viewers. The issue stems from the initial episode introducing Satan in the series.

The internet immediately was viral noting similarities between Barrack Obama, and actor Mohamen MehdiOuazanni, who plays Satan in the History Channel series.

The producers expressed to The Hollywood Reporter Monday:

“It gives me great pleasure to tell you that the devil is on the cutting-room floor”.

“This is now a movie about Jesus, the son of God, and the devil gets no more screen time”.

“Someone made a comment that the actor who played the devil vaguely resembled our president, and suddenly the media went nuts,” Downey told The Hollywood Reporter.

Continue this article at The Rundown Live

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