21WIRE | There are choices in life, and being a slave is certainly one of them…
Revisiting the Copyright Debate: ‘Steal This Film’ – Part 1 & 2
21st Century Wire | This excellent documentary series goes through in fine detail the battle which is still being fought along intellectual property lines.
FILM: ‘Max Keiser Does Westminster’
FILM: “MAX DOES WESTMINSTER” Directed & Edited by Jeff Angel and featuring Max Keiser and George Galloway. This film was funded, shot, edited & distributed (online) within 10 days. However, the information disseminated is both vital and timely. Max Keiser is a world renowned economic commentator and gives his breakdown of the history of ‘bubbles’ […]
The Cashless Society Is Coming – And With Some Very Sinister Implications
Patrick Henningsen | In this sterile and controlled Orwellian hi-tech society, the idea of cash being passed from hand to hand would be as archaic as the thought of carrying around a rucksack of tally sticks today.
Interview: Max Keiser on Europe and the Bilderberg Group
Infowars.com correspondent Patrick Henningsen talks with top financial guru Max Keiser in London about this week’s Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, VA, and how the secretive organization factors into the current global financial meltdown. ….
Global Currency Race: Germany is back in Pole Position, Ahead of China
21WIre | China and Germany are now head-to-head in the global currency sweepstakes.