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Fake News Week
Tell Lie Vision (Photo Illustration @21WIRE)

In response to the establishment media’s contrived ‘fake news’ crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative media sources of news and analysis, 21WIRE is running its own #FakeNewsWeek campaign, where each day our editorial team at 21st Century Wire will feature media critiques and analysis of mainstream corporate media coverage of current events - exposing the government and the mainstream media as the real purveyors of 'fake news' throughout modern history… @21WIRE

The Entire Mainstream Warmongering Media is Fake

Jay Dyer | The black hole of deception calls the kettle black.

Rappoport: President-Elect Gives Media ‘Stars’ a Dressing-down at Trump Tower

Jon Rappoport | America’s mainstream media are currently lost inside of their own bubble.

Establishment’s ‘Fight’ Against “Fake News” is a Covert War on Free Speech

Patrice Greanville | This latest CBS pro-censorship report may be a harbinger of things to come.

Mainstream Liars Now Want to be Self-Appointed Monarchs of ‘Truth’

Neil Clark | It’s hard to think of a better example of what psychologists call ‘projection.’

Ron Paul Highlights Real List of Mainstream ‘Fake News’ Journalists

RT | Turns out that Dr Paul’s ‘list’ holds a lot more water than a list previously released by the LA Times and Merrimack College’s resident ‘media expert.’

UNCLOAKED: White Helmets Rescue Crisis Actor in ‘Mannequin Challenge’ Fakery

21WIRE | Another staged rescue operation from the White Helmets.

New York Times is Advocating for Internet Censorship (controlled by them and other ‘approved’ agents)

Robert Parry | The New York Times now wants a system of censorship for the Internet – to block what it calls “fake news,” even when the Times ignores its own shameful record of publishing outright “fake news.”

Robert Parry: What to Do About ‘Fake News’

Robert Parry | A pushback is coming to the Internet’s success in giving the world access to diverse opinions and dissenting information. Politicians, mainstream media and Silicon Valley moguls are now taking aim at what they call “fake news.”

CNN in a Panic Over Assad Success, Collapse of ‘White Helmets’ Narrative, Fumbling Over ‘Humanitarian Organizations’

Brandon Turbeville | You have to hand it to CNN for consistency at least. Cutting edge propaganda, however, is not the corporation’s strong suit – it has resulted in an epic fail.

CBS 60 Minutes Withheld Trump’s Appeal to ‘Stop Attacking Minorities,’ and Ignored Reports of Attacks on Trump Supporters

J.R. Smith | Here’s more proof that the media are helping to stoke violence, while promoting unfounded fears – even pushing fictional ‘hate crime’ hoaxes.

Hillary Clinton Jumps the Shark with ‘Trump’s Secret Russian Server’ Conspiracy Theory

21WIRE | In their obsession with power, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party and their surrogate – are eating themselves.

Hillary’s ‘Russian Hack’ Hoax: The Biggest Lie of This Election Season

Patrick Henningsen | Are American politicians so callous as to tempt geopolitical conflict in exchange for political power?

Insider Firm ‘FlashPoint’ tied to Orlando Shooting, Now Investigating DDoS Hack on America

Shawn Helton | Flashpoint operates as an intelligence asset, in addition to playing a PR role for some recent large-scale incidents – but who are they really?

‘No Fly Zone’ Propaganda: Crocodile Tears for the ‘Children of Aleppo’

21WIRE + Truthstream Media | There is a new ‘humanitarian’ group think which has taken over the US and European mainstream media.

Russia-WikiLeaks Conspiracy Theory: “Clinton claim ridiculous, based on lazy US Twitter culture”

Patrick Henningsen | Now Hillary Clinton has gone all-in on the anti-Russian hysterical circus, as she prepares her own scapegoat.

SYRIA: ‘Rebels’ Fabricate Child Victims to Sell Western Intervention & Regime Change

21WIRE + IN THE NOW | “Why does the media want us to cry for some dead Syrian kids but not others?”

SOPA False Flag? Alleged ‘Hack’ on Netflix, Twitter, Amazon – US ready to blame Russia

Shawn Helton | Will Russia be the scapegoat for this latest massive DDoS attack in the US?

Congressman Jim Jordan stops CNN gatekeeper Chris Cuomo on Benghazi cover-up

21WIRE | Once again, Operation Mockingbird has been deployed to bury another damaging White House scandal.

Obama’s Legacy: Washington is Lying About ISIS, and Lying About Syria

21WIRE + Truthstream Media | Lies, lies, and more lies. All paid for by the US taxpayer.

CIA GATEKEEPER? CNN’s Chris Cuomo says Americans are ‘criminals’ for reading WikiLeaks’ Clinton email dump

21WIRE | Is CNN’s Chris Cuomo involved in a ‘Operation Mockingbird’ media program?

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