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Trouble: Senators Graham & McCain trying to control future of Egypt

21st Century Wire says…

Two very dangerous individuals.

US Senators Lindsay Graham and John McCain, have set forth to control the political future of Egypt at the behest of President Obama. Both Senators are expecting to meet with the current Egyptian leadership, as well as the ousted Muslim Brotherhood operatives who helped to kick-start civil unrest in Syria from 2011 onwards.

This is Egypt 2.0, where puppet regimes have become the favoured political poison under the guidance US-Western interests…

The democratization of other nation-states has had a long history of  spilling over into complete chaos, just look at the installations in Iraq, Lebanon and Libya to name a few.

There is no doubt that the recent ‘global terror threat’ issued by the US State Department, will be a major part of the discussion, as reported earlier by 21 WIRE:

Over the course of a week, three separate and unlikely terrorist jail-break events coincided across three separate regions. As we predicted last week on the UK Column Live show, these events are now being used as the pretext for a new elevated global terror threat level – triggering the closure of many US and UK embassies in the Middle East, Asia and North Africa.”

IMAGE: Senators Lindsay Graham from South Carolina and John McCain from Arizona

Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky, has put forth an amendment for the Senate transportation funding bill that would end all monetary aid to Egypt, citing that the US is prohibited from giving aid to a country fallen over a coup.

Both Graham and McCain have been under fire for there lack of support over US constitutional rights involving the NSA spy engine and the Drone program. Additionally, they both helped to craft The National Defense Authorization Act, better known as the NDAA. The NDAA, signed into law by Obama, gives the president executive powers to indefinitely detain US citizens without a trial.

McCain was also seen hanging out with known terrorists after the fallout of Benghazi as seen below:

IMAGE: John McCain ‘hanging out’ with known terrorists in Syria, promising them cash and weapons form the US.

Clearly, the rehashing of old terror narratives serve as a distraction from the recent Benghazi-CIA revelations, as well as providing global game changers the political vehicle to continue their “Arc of Crisis.”

What are we to make of the suspicious behaviour of the US president and  Senators Graham and McCain?

It appears they’ve deceived the public as to their involvement in Egypt as well as Syria.

Keep a watchful eye as this story continues to unfold…

Obama asks Republican Senators McCain, Graham to visit Egypt

Patricia Zengerle


WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama has asked two senior Republican senators to travel to Egypt to meet with its military leaders and the opposition, as Cairo’s allies struggle with how to address the turmoil convulsing the country.

Senator John McCain and Lindsey Graham, both members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, hope to travel to Egypt next week, Graham said on Tuesday.

“The president reached out to us, and I said obviously I’d be glad to go,” Graham told reporters outside the Senate. “We want to deliver a unified message that killing the opposition is becoming more and more like a coup” and to encourage the military to move toward holding elections.

He said specifics of the trip, including with whom he and McCain would meet, had not yet been worked out.

McCain and Graham, two of the Senate’s most influential voices on foreign policy matters, have at times been harsh critics of Obama’s foreign policy. The White House has recently been reaching out to them on a range of issues.

U.S. officials have been grappling with how to respond to the situation in Egypt since its elected Islamist president, Mohamed Mursi, was ousted by the military on July 3.

In particular, they have struggled with how to handle the $1.55 billion in mostly military aid Washington sends to Cairo each year. Egypt has long been an important U.S. ally in a tumultuous region and officials in Washington value their ties to its military leaders, many of whom have studied in the United States.

U.S. law bars sending aid to countries in which there has been a military coup, and Obama administration officials have been scrambling to talk about events in Egypt without using the word.


Mursi is being held in a secret detention facility in Egypt. Catherine Ashton, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, on Monday became the first outsider to see him since he was deposed. His fate – and a deadly crackdown by security forces on his supporters – has raised global anxiety about a possible bid to crush Mursi’s Muslim Brotherhood…

Continue this article at Reuters

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