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Al CIA-da: Former CIA Director Petraeus Wants to Use Al-Qaeda to Fight ISIS

21WIRE + RT | Support for terror comes from the highest levels.

Petraeus Gets Slap On Wrist For Leaking State Secrets, As Others Face Jail For Lesser Offenses

21WIRE + WP | Bilderberger Petraeus gets a special pass when it comes to giving away state secrets.

David Petraeus: Soldier, Leaker, Traitor, or Just ‘Whipped’?

21WIRE + LA Times | If Petraeus won’t serve a day for his breach of national security, then neither should Snowden.

New Petition: Ensure Sec of State Clinton Testifies to Events 9/11/2012 in Benghazi, Libya

21WIRE Xtra | To all Senators, Congressmen and Governors of these United States…

AIPAC Lobby Moulds US Policy: How Israel ‘Out-Foxed’ US Presidents

From the Archive: Just days after President Obama’s reelection, Israel launched a punishing bombing campaign against Palestinians in Gaza – much as Israel did shortly after his election in 2008. Obama again is put in a tight spot, but other U.S. presidents faced similar challenges, as Morgan Strong reported in 2010. By Morgan Strong (Originally […]

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