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House Deals Obama Symbolic Blow With Libya Votes

Jen Steinhauernyt | Washington is split over Constitutional issue surrounding the president’s refusal to seek authorization from Congress for operations in Libya.

TruNews June 21, 2011 – Interview with Patrick Henningsen on NATO’s Bombing in Libya

Patrick Henningsen | The UN sanctioned bombing campaigns in Libya have already killed thousands.

LIBYA BOMBSHELL: Obama Overruled Two Top Lawyers, Who Told Him War Must Be Terminated

By Joe Weisenthal Business Insider June 18, 2011 This week several members of Congress challenged Obama on the legality of the Libya war, given that actions have exceeded the 90 day period during which The White House doesn’t need Congressional authority for military action under the War Powers Act. The White House response: We don’t need […]

The “Rape in Libya” Story – Our Military’s Latest Fairytale

By Peter Dale Scott June 17, 2011  It is a troubled time for NATO’s campaign against Libya. President Obama has seen a near-revolt in Congress against the costly war, while Defense Secretary Gates in Brussels has warned his European allies that their tepid response “is putting the Libya mission and the alliance’s very future at […]

RT INTERVIEW WITH PATRICK HENNINGSEN: “Libya has become a nation building circus”

Patrick Henningsen | “This operation is about making Libya fold into the globalist umbrella.”

INTERVIEW: ‘Globalist Threat’ and Bankers, More Dangerous Than Bin Laden

Daily Bell | The elimination of Al-Qaeda’s leader will not facilitate the pull-out of US troops from Afghanistan.

Another Bin Laden Scoop for Alternative Media: “No photos or video will be released.”

21WIRE | 21st Century Wire calls out the White House on the bin Laden fairy tale.

RUSSIA TODAY: 21st Century Wire’s Patrick Henningsen discusses China’s exposure in Libya

Patrick Henningsen | A ‘New Cold War’ is emerging and Africa is the front line.

RUSSIA TODAY: 21st Century Wire’s Patrick Henningsen tonight 6pm GMT

RT | International affairs segment with Patrick Henningsen.

EXPOSED: Who Really Runs Al Qaeda

Alex Jones | Evidence proves beyond a doubt that Al Qaeda is a Western-manufactured terrorist outfit…


By Andrew McKillop 21st Century Wire March 14, 2011 JAPAN’S OIL DEMAND WILL BOUNCE BACK Friday 11th trading on the US Nymex and to lower extent on the London ICE was driven by a quick sentiment-driven response to breaking news of the Japanese disaster. Refineries were on fire, ports were closed and cars, buses and […]

Patrick Henningsen on Coast to Coast AM Radio with George Noory

Coast2Coast AM | Patrick’s first appearance on Coast to Coast AM radio show with host George Noory.


21st Century Wire Jan 18, 2011    Some interesting questions, and answers, raised by philosopher Eckhart Tolle. Author Eckhart Tolle is the author of the popular series The Power of Now. He certainly has some great insights into the mental state of Western man and the politics of the mind. 

21st Century Wire: Most Popular Stories of 2010

21WIRE | What were our biggest stories for 2010? Here they are…


(it could land you in prison)    Come Jan 1st, those innocent “climate quips” could just land you in a cold cell. The video comedy sketch above is actually hitting very close to home. Our latest and somewhat controversial article on global warming  has prompted some readers and Facebook members to say that “They (21st […]

The cold truth: Climate Science is anything but “settled”

The debate is now open: watch this fantastic and informative 5 part interview series with the UK’s Lord Monckton covering all aspects of the great global warming and climate change debate – IPCC scientific fraud, global government and the realisation of a New World Order designed by a global elite…    A sharp and very complete interview with the UK’s […]


“The IPCC may therefore be allowed to die a timely death. Its budgets can be cut or frozen, and its  transition to the added status of becoming a full-blown UN agency pushed further back…“ By Andrew McKillop Sept 8th 2010 21st Century Wire Through the whole year of 2009, building up to the failed Copenhagen […]

Best Interview of the 21st Century So Far?

Patrick Henningsen | The children in this video understand what most adults are still struggling to grasp.

Textbook Doublethink: SPLC’s Latest Effort Attacks Constitutionalists

Patrick Henningsen | Americans need to become better guardians of their language – by not allowing the likes of the SPLC to create divisive abstract concepts by injecting doublethink all over the news for its own gain.

Obama’s H.R. 5741 ‘Slave Bill’ now in Committee

EDITOR’S NOTE: Adolph Hitler once said “Why nationalize industry when we can nationalize the people?” As it happened, the Nazi party was in fact a revolutionary hybrid combining the RIGHT and the LEFT. Indeed, National (on the right) and Socialism (on the left), fused together in a way the people would willingly embrace… fascism. So […]

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