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INTERVIEW: ‘Globalist Threat’ and Bankers, More Dangerous Than Bin Laden

The Daily Bell

May 5, 2011

Anthony Wile, founder and Chief Editor of TheDailyBell.com, speaks with Russia Today‘s Kevin Owen (RT).

Wile says that he does not think the death of Osama Bin Laden has brought any change to the safety of the world as long as “we have the fundamentalist-driven type of philosophy that is being implemented from within the chambers of the City of London and anchored under the cloak of Western style democracy.”

Wile believes that Bin Laden has not been the main threat to the world. Moreover, “people will be resistant to forceful intrusions into their backyards in order to make them believe any concepts or philosophy behind the assassination of Bin Laden. And this refers not only to people in those countries where the US military-industrial complex is busily going about spreading democracy, but also around the world and in the US itself.

The retaliation will continue,” Wile says…

Watch Anthony Wile’s interview on RT.

The elimination of Al-Qaeda‘s leader will not facilitate the pull-out of US troops from Afghanistan, Wile believes.

“The forces that are on the ground, these globalist forces that have the intent of bringing in line the various nations and states that need to be molded together in order to create a globalist government, they will continue their efforts, whatever it takes – force or propaganda through the mainstream Western media sources or the subversive movements of the CIA,” says Wile.

Wile believes that the US is using the conflicts in the Arab world to consolidate power and weaken those nation states that have been resistant “to globalist governance which will be administered by the UN and a global monetary structure that will be administered by IMF and the World Bank.”

“Americans should be more concerned with their own government and growing authoritarianism which is mounting within the US and the soft police state that is being imposed,” concludes Wile.

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