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South Caucasus Instability and New Battle for the ‘Middle Corridor’

Freddie Ponton | This key region is now prone to instability as US strengthens ties with Armenia and whilst sanctioning both Georgia and Azerbaijan.

VIDEO: Washington’s Unstoppable Superweapon and How to Defend Against It

The New Atlas | More than any military incursion, Washington’s preferred weapon of choice is its fleet of ‘democracy’ NGOs.

Russia Releases More Evidence on US-Funded Bio Labs in Ukraine

TASS | Russian military has document confirming the direct involvement of Pentagon in the financing of military biological projects in Ukraine.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Diplomatic Viruses’ (2018)

SUNDAY SCREENING | An inside look into the US-funded and run biological labs positioned across the former Soviet Union.

NATO’s Failed Talks Over Ukraine Will Likely Lead Russia Towards Persian Gulf

Alex Krainer | The days of unchallenged U.S./NATO dominance are over, and here’s what comes next.

Full Breakdown of 2020 Election Fraud Allegations with Richard Baris

Cotto-Gottfried | A detailed summary of the current election fraud landscape.

DOMINION: The ‘Glitchy’ Voting System That’s Causing Problems in Key Swing States

21WIRE | These two recent ‘glitches’ in state voting systems have raised suspicions of possible election fraud.

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus & Ukraine – The Slow Motion Collapse of Soviet Union

Paul Robinson | There are multiple underlying reasons for the conflict and strife we are seeing – most of which is beyond the scope of mainstream coverage.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Diplomatic Viruses (2018)

SUNDAY SCREENING | A closer look at the Pentagon’s chain of biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world.

Episode #214 – ‘The World’s Most Interesting Man’ with special guest Adam Garrie

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue